(Reggie Peters) Ghosting 1/2

588 13 12

Words: 4193

Rated: TV-14

A/n: It was not my idea to put the two songs together

~Y/n's POV~

I was only 17 when I died. I died because of a car crash. Reggie was in the car with me, but luckily lived. When I came back from the dead as I ghost, I saw him bawling his eyes out. I wasn't a good babysitter. At all. He was only 12. Only 12. I'm so dumb. I've been watching him for a while. It's been 5 years. It's his birthday. I was going to let go. Reggie woke up, smiling. It quickly turned into a frown after hearing his parents. I poofed away, not wanting to watch him change. I see him jump out of his window with his back pack on his back. He started to walk to Bobby's. I walked with him. We got there, seeing Luke laying on the couch and Alex sitting on one of the sofa's doing homework.

"Hey guys." Reggie greets, with a big smile.

"Hey, Reggie. Oh, and Happy Birthday." Alex says, looking up from his book.

"Happy Birthday." I hear Luke say after a groan from waking him up.

Reggie puts his bag down and sits on Luke. Luke sits up, throwing a pillow at Reggie for sitting on him. Reggie just grins innocently. I crack a smile, seeing how happy my only friend looked. Bobby walks in, holding something in his hand.

"Good morning." He told the three.

They all greet back.

"I know it's only..." Bobby looks at his watch, "9:00. But it was going to melt so here you go."

Bobby gives Reggie a box. Probably a cake. Reggie opens it, immediately smiling. I peak over his shoulder, seeing a cake. Saying: "HAPPIE BIRTHDAE REGGIE"

"Thank you guys." Reggie thanks the three.

He then takes a fork out of nowhere, eating most of the cake already. I giggle at his behavior, sitting next to him as I watch the four have fun.

~Time Skip~

Reggie went back home, going through his bedroom window. Reggie went to bed, trying to go to sleep hearing his parents scream at each other. If I was alive, I would... never mind. I wouldn't be here. I would be at college. I wanted to hold him, trying to calm him down. I couldn't because of that stupid car crash. I poofed my guitar in my hand. I used to play him songs so he could go to sleep easily. I start to tune my guitar.

I've been ghosting, I've been ghosting along

Ghost in your house, ghost in your arms

When you're tossing, when you turn in your sleep

It's because I'm ghosting your dreams

And this is why I have decided

To pull these old white sheets from my head

I'll leave them folded neat and tidy

So that you'll know I'm out of hiding

I've been ghosting, I've been ghosting along

Ghost in the world, ghost with no home

I remember, I remember the days

When I'd make you oh-so afraid

And this is why I have decided

To leave your house and home un-haunted

You don't need poltergeists for sidekicks

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