(Reggie Peters) Family

479 15 10

Words: 2726

Rated: TV-PG

~Y/n's POV~

It's been a weird year. The girl, Julie, from my class got popular after she performed her hologram band at school. To me, there's something about the holograms. I just don't get it. Anyways, her bandmates exchanged schools to ours, so now everyone, mostly girls, are fan-girling over them. I personally like their music, not their looks because I could see why girls are like... girl crazy? I guess you could call it that.

It's almost Christmas by the way. Which means my family is coming over. Yay! Well, I guess yay. I mean, I love my family but, they could get annoying. Especially when there's someone over. Which brings me to now, where Peters is my science partner. The teacher was very clear about this.

The exact words she said was, "You will be assigned a project about (idk I ain't a 12th grader). And you'll have partners on this..." Some people started chatting a bit, "That I'll pick."

Then she tells us our partners blah, blah, blah, and now we're here. Reggie asked if we could do our project at my house instead of his because... of a reason. I can't say no to anything because I'm a very anxious person and think that they'll think differently about me because of that one word, "no" so I nod, leading our way to my house.

That was a very stupid choice.

My parents and my sister decided not to tell me that the rest of our family was arriving on today. So when we got to my house, the parking lot was full. Which means, their here. And will probably annoy us the whole time.

"Uh, one second." I tell the very handsome boy I brung to my house, where my family will get the wrong idea about us.

Even if there is an us.

I open the door of my house and close it quickly, seeing everyone in the house, chilling. When they hear me, they all turn to me, tackling me in a dog pile.

"Finally, you're home." Mom says, helping me up from the pile.

"I- I just wanna say-" Reggie knocks on the door.

"I'll get it!" My cousin shouts, running to the front door.

"No! No," Too late. He opened it.

Reggie waves at my cousin, Kyro, "Hi, uh, I'm waiting for Y/n but I guess she's busy?"

"Ooooo, I didn't know you have a boyfriend~" My sister, Chloe, teased. "A cute one." She whispered.

I shake my head, playing with my fingers. "H-He's just my partner on this project that we're going to work on today."

"Aww," Most of my family mumble and I roll my eyes, walking up to Kyro and Reggie.

I nod my head, signaling to walk in, "Come in."

He gives me a small smile before walking in the house, taking off his shoes.

"Uh, lets go upstairs. It's kind of... crowded down here." I tell Reggie and he nods, following me upstairs.

"Yeah, I'll go get i-" Jax, my cousin who is very nosy, walks out of my brother's old bedroom, which is the guys room, seeing me and Reggie. "Oh my god, I didn't know you had a boyfriend."

Jax's laughs and gives Reggie a weird pat on the shoulder.

"Nice to meet you, man." Jax says, giving Reggie a 'guy' hug.

"Uh, Nice to meet you," Reggie hugs the boy back, "But I'm not Y/n's boyfriend."

"Dude," Jax snaps in front of my face, "You need to get a boyfriend or girlfriend. You need to stop weeping in your bedroom at 3 am at night, waking all of us up because you're lonely."

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