(Luke Patterson) Opposites Attract

666 16 22

Words: 1994

~Time Skip~

After school, I went straight to my room to talk to Brandon.

"Brandon!" I whisper shout.

"What, I was still sleeping!" He says groggily.

"Dude, it's... 3:30 why are you still asleep! Anyways, they found out." I told him.

"Who found out what?" I heard Luke say behind me.

I cover my phone with my hand and turn around to face him.

"Nothing!" I shout and signal him to get out.

Luke rolls his eyes and gets out.

"Who was that?~" Brandon asked.

"Oh shut up."

"So what they found out. They were going to find out sooner or later. Jeez." Brandon says and hangs up.

"God, why am I even friends with a frat." I thought out loud and through my phone on my bed.

A few seconds later, Julie and the boys burst through the door.

"YOU'RE NOT INTO MUSIC?!" The boys shout.

"How are you not?" Luke asks.

"Guys, let her be. She can live her own life." Julie says and I point and nod to her in agreement.

"Do you at least listen to music?" Reggie asks me.

"No, I don't think so." I say shaking my head.

"Okay, Who are you still sane?" Luke tells me.

I roll my eyes and go under my covers.

"Now, she's in hibernation. You guys should get out you don't want to see her like that." Julie says as I hear the curtains close.

"Thank you." I shout.

"You're welcome." I hear Luke say and I groan in annoyance.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, taking the covers down to my shirt so I could see him

"What are you hiding from us? You told someone that someone found out something." Luke said.

"I'm not hiding anything from you guys. You're just invading my private conversations." I say.

He scoffs, "Fine. You win. But I'm getting the bottom of this." Luke glares at me and finally leaves the room.

~Time Skip~

"I was just going to tell Julie that dinner was ready." I say to Brandon.

"Then I heard shouting from the Studio. I uh, I walked over to it and I heard my name." Brandon looks at me with sad eyes and rubs my back.

"I heard Luke trash-talking about me." I whispered to him.

He knows my past life so he know how much this hurt me. He was there actually. Brandon hugs me as I try not to cry.

"Hey, if you want, I can beat the shit out of him." Brandon says and I laugh.

"He's dead, do you remember?" I tell him and he laughs.

"So, can you go in tour? We're only going to New York." Brandon says.

"Dude, you say that like it's a problem.  I'm still in school. And I don't think Dad will let me." I tell Brandon.

"YOU CALLED HIM DAD!" Brandon exclaims with a smile.

I slap a hand over my mouth, "I called him dad. I guess I'm okay with that."

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