JATP// Ratings

262 11 15

Words: 1679

Requested: kayla102108


~Y/n's POV~

Julie, Flynn, and I were walking in the hallway, minding our own business until we see girls surrounding something on the wall. The three of us glance at each other before we walk over to it. The paper was about rating the girls at our school. That's hella messed up.

Carrie Wilson: 8

Kayla (no last name): 7

Julie Molina: 3

Flynn (no last name): 7

Y/n L/n: 6

And the list goes on and on. I saw Carrie sitting on the ground, upset.

"Does anyone know who put this up here?"

"No, we don't. But it's probably a boy because we all know we aren't going to bring each other down." Carrie says.

Flynn takes the paper off the wall. "Why would someone do such a thing?"

"Someone evil." Flynn crumples up the piece of paper, ripping it to pieces.

"Maybe we should tell the principal." I say.

"That's not gonna do anything. It's like telling them that you're getting bullied and they'll do something, but really they won't." Kayla leans on the wall.

Julie sighs, leaning on the wall and slowly sliding down it.

"Oh, no. Julie."

"I got the lowest out of everyone in school." The bell rings and Kayla and Carrie leave with a long face.

"Come on, we'll treat you with ice cream after school." I help Julie up as she slouches.

~Time Skip~

After school, Flynn, Julie and I got ice cream and Flynn went home. Julie and I hanged out at the studio. Julie was feeling horrible. I dropped my ice cream here so now I don't have any. And Julie already finished hers. So now Julie and I were sharing a big tub of ice cream. The guys enter the studio, seeing how upset Julie and I are.

"Oh god, are you guys on your monthly again?" Luke asks, panicking.

"No." I pout.

Reggie rushes to my side, hugging me.

"Aww, what's wrong?"

"At school, we found this paper that rated girls at our school." The guys' jaws drop.

"That's messed up!" Luke raises his voice.

"Luke, you can't do anything about it."

"Yeah, she's right, Luke." Alex tells the angry boy.

"What was your rating, Julie?"

"I got a 6. She got a... 3." I say with a sad face.


"I know, I know. That's a horrible rating. Maybe if I put makeup on and-"

Luke jumps on the table (5'4 vibes), "Julie! Snap out of it! You don't need makeup or anything to get a higher rating. You're beautiful just the way you are. Both of you." He looks at me and Julie.

"Then why did I get the lowest rating in the school?"

The three of them look at each other in shock. Julie passes me that ice cream and I chomp that shit down.

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