(Luke Patterson) |Soulmates AU|

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Words: 1180

Rated: TV-PG

~3rd Person~

Luke was sitting eating dinner with his family and randomly heard this loud music which made him fall out of his chair.

"Luke! Why'd you fall off your chair?" His mom asks as she helped him up.

"You guys don't hear the loud music?" Luke said, covering his ears.

His parents looked at each other and smirked.

"Son, we won't hear it." His dad, Mitch, said.

"Wait why?" Luke asks.

"Sweetie, the person who's playing that music... is your soulmate." Luke's mom, Emily, says.


"Yes. You will hear what your soulmate is listening to. Just music though." Mitch told his son.

"I'm guessing your soulmate is at a concert or a party since you jumped out of your chair quite far." Emily told Luke as she poured a cup of water.


My soulmate likes to listen to music a lot. And blasts it into her ears like it's nothing.

~Y/n's POV~

I like to jam to music a lot. Like a lot.

Once I had a love and it was a gas

Soon turned out had a heart of glass

Seemed like the real thing, only to find!

I jam out.

~Luke's POV~

"They're at it again." I say, covering my ears.

"Again?" Mom asks and I nod.

"Yeah, this is like the 5th time today." I say.

"And it's only... 9 am!" Dad says.

"Maybe you should find them." Mom says.

"Or maybe I should give them their own taste of their medicine." I say with an evil smirk.

I go to the studio and put me and my band mates demo in the CD player. I put it all the way up and Alex and Reggie enter, covering their ears.

"What are you doing?" Alex shouts over the sound.

"HELLO!" I hear someone shout from outside of the studio.

~Y/n's POV~

Dang it, soulmate, why do you have to do that?

My mom enters my room.

"Turn it down!"

I turn it off and turn to my mom.

"We just got a noise complaint Y/n." Mom says.

"Oops?" I say with a stupid smile.

"Nope, that's not gonna get you anywhere." Mom says and I sigh.

"So, I'm going to sign you up for community service."

"But, Mom!" I shout.

"No buts. Your doing it."

~Luke's POV~

"What?" I say.

"All three of you are signed up for community service. Or you could pay the fee (idrk anything about the laws so bare with me)." The police officer says to us.

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