(Luke Patterson) Not Mine Anymore

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~Y/n's POV~

We died. We really just died. I'm in the room with Alex, Luke, and Reggie. Luke and Reggie were bored out of their mind and Alex was sobbing loudly. I sigh, closing my song book and walking to Alex. He was hella sad. I mean, we did just die. I hugged the sad boy, trying to calm him down. Alex hugged back, crying into my shoulder.

"Hey, Y/n?" I hear Luke ask.

"Yeah?" I sorta yell because of how loud my baby boy cries.

"Can I use your note book?" Asked Luke with puppy eyes.

I shook my head, "Nope. There's some stuff in there that's private."


"No." I say bluntly.

"Reggie?" Luke looks at the guy laying on the ground and signals him to talk to me.

"Can we pwease you your notebook?" Reggie asks with the cutest eyes.

I inhale deeply, still shaking my head, "No, sorry."

"Those never fail!" Luke exclaims. "Why is it private?"

I start to blush and look away.

"Is about a special someone?" Reggie teases.

"...No." I hesitate.

Alex sniffles, pulling away from the hug. "You hesitated."

"Did not."

"Did too- I'm not gonna fight with you but you did hesitate." Alex tells me.

"Ooo Who are they?" Luke asks.

"No one."

"It's totally about someone." Reggie says.

We then hear our song playing.

"Do you guys hear that?" Alex asks the three of us.

All three boys start to cling on me.

"Guys," We start to fall.

We were all screaming, scared as hell. I let go of Luke accidentally and I get this... I dunno, vision about us in the future. I was watching this girl and Luke singing to each other with Alex and Reggie smiling at them. The girl was beautiful and looked like Rose, the girl we met at The Orpheum. I was just standing there with another girl by my side, watching them with a blank face. The girl and Luke looked in love. I had so many questions. Who's that girl? Who's the girl next to me? Why am I not playing with them? And why don't any of them look like they... care about me?

We then fall on the ground, groaning from the pain. We all stand up, Luke helping me up.

"How did we get back here?" I hit Luke in the chest, pointing at the girl from my vision.

The four of us look at the girl and she lets out a loud scream. We all start to scream with her. She runs out the Studio, scared shitless.

"Who was she?"

I shrug, "I dunno."

~Time Skip~

We found out that the girl is Rose's daughter. We as in, me. I knew because I wasn't as dumb as the other three. I mean, I love them, but they can be dumb sometimes. Julie is really nice. Like, really, really nice. I don't have anything against her. It just.. Luke's kind of distracted by her, lately. And they... played without me. I mean, it kind of was my fault. I left because I wanted to see my parents, but who doesn't want to see their family after they haven't seen them in awhile?? Especially, WHEN YOU'RE DEAD!! It's fine, it's totally fine, Reggie was really excited about being in a band with her so I just took a step back, letting Julie have the spotlight. And I'm fine with that. I really am.

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