(Crispo) New kid

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A/n: If you don't know, Crispo, nickname for Christian, is Owen's character from 100 Things To Do Before High School.

Rated: PG

Words: 1931

~Y/n's POV~

I was the new kid. Cool right? Not really. I didn't have friends or anything. It was sad, but I've dealt with this before. No one really cared about me though, except for... Mindi. If you don't know her, she's that popular girl. She's also with the popular boy, Christian, known as Crispo. He's attractive, I might add, but I really don't know him so why is he popular? What am I saying! It's because of his looks! Duh. I sometimes see him staring... at me? I think? Maybe I'm just seeing things. Weird things. It's not like I have a crush on him, no, no. Thats stupid. Having a crush on the most popular boy in school. You're just torturing yourself because you know you won't have a chance with him.

~CJ's POV~

I was sitting with Fenwick and Crispo. Crispo was wearing his sunglasses and having a random book in front of him as usual. I wish we could have another mission though.

"You're staring again." Fenwick tell Crispo.

"Who's he staring at?" I ask, looking around at the direction Crispo was looking at.

Their heads turn to me quickly.

"N-No one!" They both exclaimed.

"Are you sure? Because it looks like he was staring at Y/n." I say.

I know Y/n because we're science partners.

"What? Nah, she's not popular enough with her beautiful h/c hair, her pretty e/c eyes, with her rosy cheeks and-" I cut Crispo off.

"Sounds like you've got a crush."

"He doesn't have a crush. He's just rehearsing for a play!" Fenwick defends Crispo.

I ignore Fenwick, "This is perfect for a mission!"

"What? No, no, no, no. You're not making a mission to get Crispo and Y/n together." Fenwick says.

"Yes I am." I say, "And it's going to be perfect."

"Please, CJ, please don't. I'm already dating Mindi." Crispo begs.

"But she forced you into a relationship anyways. And you obviously want to be with Y/n." I say.

Crispo sighs.

~Y/n's POV~

I was walking home, feeling... watched. I didn't think much of it because I always feel like I'm watched. Especially at school. I hear footsteps get closer and closer to me.

"Okay, if you're just going to follow me, might as well show yourself now." I say, turning around.

Someone, gets pushed out behind a bush near by. Christian.

"H-Hi. I'm sorry I was following you I just- um. I just wanted to say if you wanted to... to hang out sometime?" He asks, very nervously.

"With me?" I point at myself.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Christian asks.

"Because you're dating Mindi. And I'm technically on Mindi's bad list because I'm the new kid." I explain.

"Oh, well... she doesn't have to know." Christian says, with a grin.

"Okay, uh sure?" I give him a piece of paper with my number on it, "Just call me when."

I turn around and continue to walk to my house.

~Time Skip~

I was eating lunch, outside. It was fine, Principal Hader let me hang out there. She's my Aunt though, so that makes sense. I hear someone sit next to me.

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