New Book On Demand!

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Okayyyy my lovely MishBir readers, I kinda DID NOT expect so many comments on my last chapter which was basically a Rant!!
I guess they've put all of us to such a point of frustration! 😂🤣

Anyway, I also received SO MANY positive comments asking me to write a story on the surrogacy track (read: unjustifiable nonsense) - and I'm gonna write one!

I've slept at 3:30 last night bcoz I have, in my mad frustration, penned an entire sequence of the Surrogacy track the way I want it to be, from yesterday (28/9/2020)'s episode onwards. It is 90% complete!

And I'm gonna share it today!! :)) ❤️

Stay tuned & follow me otherwise you may miss out on my new book publishing update!

Divya :)

P. S - Thank you guys, I love y'all so much! *Sheds a tear*

P. S. S - This chap is temporary, may delete it soon. Also shall publish next chap of Phir Le Aaya Dil latest by 2nd Oct. Stay tuned! ❤️

Phir Le Aaya Dil - Mishbir FFWhere stories live. Discover now