Little talks

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Hayley's POV 

When I wake up, I can feel someone's arms around me. At first, I panic, but then memories of yesterday come flooding back, and I remember that I am back. Alive. And I'm with Hope again. I smile as I move closer to the person who's arms are around me. They turn towards me and their shoulder hits my head slightly. As I move my head to rest on their shoulder slightly, a scent fills my nose, and I instantly open my eyes. Klaus's face is inches from mine, and his arms are wrapped around me, with mine pressed against his chest. I must have moved suddenly, because he starts to stir, slowly opening his eyes and focuses on me. I slightly smile at him before moving away a bit. He quickly realises our position and removes his arms. "Morning, little wolf." He mumbles as he rolls on his back, facing the ceiling.  

"Morning." I sit up slowly and look around for Hope. I find a piece of paper that reads. Hey, sorry I had to go, I had to run to school. I still can't believe you are back. I have missed you so much, and love you both. I'll see you tomorrow at the wedding. Love Hope xx  

I give the note to Klaus before I swing my legs over the side of the bed and get up. Before leaving, I look around Hope's room. It is nearly all the same, but with little differences. More artwork covers the walls, and new pictures are there too. A lot of them are her family, but a few of them are her and a boy with dark hair. I walk up to one of them, and look at their faces, happy and smiling. This is what I wanted for her. A happy life. One epic love. 

"That's Landon. Her boyfriend." Klaus is standing behind me, looking over my shoulder. He smiles at the photograph. "I'm glad you get to see her with him you know. I never thought it was fair that I got to see her with her friends. If anything, it should have been me who was in the afterlife, and you got to live. Or at least watch over her as I did." 

"Klaus, I get to see her now. Don't ever think that again. I was happy in the afterlife. I got to see my parents. Form a relationship with them again. But when you turned up, I was even happier. You told me all about Hope, and I knew she was happy. You raised her the best you could when I was gone. For god's sake, you died for her. Your the best father anyone could ever ask for, for their child." I smile at him and rest my hand on his elbow. "I would have never been able to do it without you."  

After a moment I leave the room and walk downstairs to the kitchen. Freya is already there drinking some coffee. I walk to the fridge and look at what is in there, and see some blood bags. Well, I guess I need to eat to function again now. I grab a bag for me and one for Klaus, and our them into some glasses. When he walks downstairs, I give him is and sit down next to Freya. 

"So, I sort of forgot to say, but. You guys need to not be here until the wedding. Rebekah is coming over in an hour, and is staying here till the wedding tomorrow, and seeing as you want to surprise them, you might want to leave soon." Freya tells us as she finishes her drink. 

"Ok, we can do that. Pretending to be dead for another day doesn't seem too hard." Klaus says and I roll my eyes. Now that's the annoying idiot I remember. 

"Could you send us the address of the wedding?" I ask, and Freya nods. "Oh, and another thing. How will me and Klaus get clothes for tomorrow? Or today rather?" 

Freya writes something down and gives it to me. "Go to this address when you are ready. It's Vincent's house. He is staying at mine at the moment, so the house is free, and I can drop some stuff off for you. Actually, I'm sure there will be clothes here." She looks down at the floor before talking to us again. "We never could get round to getting rid of your things, so everything of yours is still there, so if you hurry, you could pack a bag before Rebekah gets here."  With that, she walks out the kitchen and leaves me and Klaus alone.  

We quickly finish our drinks and head upstairs. I enter my room, and see that everything is exactly the same, just with dust sheets on top. Getting a bag from under the bed, I walk to the wardrobe and find the red dress that I wore to Elijah's group thing. I pack that, along with some other clothes, and then go to my draws. Finding jewellery, shoes, and seeing as we are going to a wedding, I also get make-up and straighteners. I close the bag and open my door, finding Klaus outside. 

"You ready to go?" He asks me, with a bag of his own in his hand. I nod my head, and we make it out of the compound. We never asked Freya for a car, because we could just vamp there, seeing as it would be easier. After a couple of minutes, we get to Vincent's house. The door is unlocked, and so we step in. Luckily, we have been to his house before, so we don't have to be invited in. 

I put my bag down and sit on the sofa, Klaus following suit. "I can't believe we are actually alive. We have our daughter back Klaus. Our daughter." My eyes start welling up, and he looks at me. 

"I know. I can't believe it either. Watching over her was one thing, but actually talking to her, and being able to touch her. I can't even explain it. It's just." 

"Amazing." I smile at him, and he smiles back. Reaching forwards, he puts his hand on mine and squeezes it. Just this one action speaks so many words all at once. 

"We actually did it, Hayley." I look at him confused. "We made it to the afterlife and back.


Author's note 

Don't worry, this isn't the end. This was a filler, and I thought that was a good ending for this chapter. Sorry it was so short. I have a lot more ideas for the rest. 

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