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Hayley's POV 

"Mum? Dad?" I run up to them and they bring me in a hug. 

"Where did you go? I heard you scream in pain, then Klaus shouting and then you were gone. We've been looking for you ever since." My Mum says. 

"They brought us back. Freya brought me and Klaus back." Pulling away from them they look at me confused. "She brought us back from the dead." 

"You're not dead anymore. We brought you back. Your alive again." Freya tells them. 

"What? How?" My Dad asks. 

"With a lot of magic. You have been dead for a long time, so it took a while. I'm sorry for the pain that you went through while we did it." Vincent says to them. 

"You can bring people back from the dead?" My Mum asks, shocked. 

"We could. That's the thing." We all look to Freya. "We have now brought back five people from the dead, two Originals, a Hybrid, and two Crescent wolves. We can't bring anyone else back. Not for a very long time that is. The things we used to bring you back, they broke just after we got you here. Too much magic has been used in a short period of time. Meaning we won't be able to bring anyone back anymore. You were the last ones." We all nod our heads. 

I hug my parents again, before hugging Freya, Vincent and Davina, telling them thank you. I then turn to others and apologise because they can't bring anyone they want back, like Cami or Josh, but they tell me its fine. Their family is already complete, and now mine is too. They leave me and my parents, so I take them to one of the living rooms. I start explaining what happened when me and Klaus got brought back. How we reunited with Hope and then surprised the family at Rebekah and Marcel's wedding. I then tell them about the holiday we are going on in just under two months, and how everyone is close again. Seeing the painting of the family at the wedding, I pick it off the wall and hand it to them. 

"Hope and Klaus made this when we got back. They also made one of just Rebekah and Marcel, but that's in their room. Hang on, I'll be right back." I leave the room and vamp to mine. Grabbing a box that I sorted out the day me and Klaus got drunk, I vamped back with it. Inside it contained photo albums. "I thought you might like to see these. They're mainly of Hope growing up but they have some of the family in." 

"Aww, she was so cute." My Mum was looking at a picture of Hope as a baby. "How, come there is only one of her this age? I thought you would have taken loads?" 

"This was during the time that Hope was thought to be dead. This was the only picture Rebekah took. She didn't want to risk anyone finding out she was alive, so didn't take anymore. The next ones are when we got her back." 

"Hey, is that you in a wedding dress?" My Dad asks me. I look over and see it is a picture of me and Jackson at our wedding. I nod my head. 

"You look beautiful." My Mum smiles at me. There are a few others from the wedding of me, Jack and Hope. The second to last one though is of me, Hope and Klaus. My Mum starts laughing slightly. "What a mix of people. A Hybrid, Original Hybrid, and a baby Original Tribrid. Who would have thought." She turns the page and sees the last picture of the wedding. It's of me, smiling off somewhere, while I was stood at the altar. 

"You look happy there. More than any of the other pictures, apart from when you are with Hope I mean. Who were you looking at?" My Dad asks me. My Mum suggests if it was Elijah because it obviously wasn't Jack since I was looking away from him. 

"No. Actually." I think back to my wedding. I looked over from Jackson to the railing and see him. I smile at him, but he doesn't smile back. He just gives me a look. Just as I was about to reply, Klaus walks in with his phone in his hand. Seeing we are looking at pictures of Hope, he comes over and looks over my shoulder.  

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