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Klaus's POV 

It's now February. Hope's and Elijah's birthday have gone by and so that was a busy time for our family. The plan is still to tell them about me and Hayley in April, after Rebekah's birthday, but, I think we might be telling them sooner. Davina and Kol's baby is due to arrive in April and with it being a baby created from spells, it could be born earlier. Hey, the family had an easy birth with Nik, so we are due another catastrophe. I just hope to god nothing like Hope's birth happens. Elijah has been staying with Leah a lot more, and with Hope and Raf back at school, me and Hayley are getting to spend more time together as a couple. The family do turn up at random times, which is a little annoying, but. We make it work. 

"Hey." I look up and Hayley is walking into my room, drying her hair with her towel. "Rebekah is coming over in a bit so, what you want to do?" I get off the bed and walk towards her, kissing her. 

"I don't mind." I say and she rolls her eyes. 

"You never have any ideas." I hit her arm playfully. 

"I do. I just don't have any right now." I say and she just shakes her head. "We good do this though." She looks at me confused. With that, I grab her and throw her on the bed, and start tickling her. 

"NO! KLAUS!" She shouts, laughing. Her laugh always makes me laugh. "STOP!" She shouts, but it doesn't work. Reaching behind her, a pillow hits my face. 

"Did you just?" I say and stop tickling her. She smiles, and I pause for a few seconds before lunging at her, laying on top of her. I capture her in a kiss, which she melts into. We kiss for a bit, then I lay next to her, pulling her against my chest. 

"I like this. Just being here with you. I mean, we don't have to do anything for me to have a good time. If you get what I mean." She says to me softly. 

"I get it." I say to her, pulling her closer to me; if that was even possible. We sit there for a bit, and I listen to our heartbeats. She turns over, so she is facing me, but we don't say or do anything, we just look at each other. A small smile appears on my face, and it is mirrored by hers. The smile slowly falls off my face and she looks at me confused and a little worried. 

"What's wrong?" She asks me, trying to sit up. I push her down and sit up myself, keeping her still. "Klaus? You're scaring me a little." 

"Shh." I say, and put my fingers to my lips. "Do you hear that?" I ask her in a whisper. 

"Hear what?" She looks at me confused. 

"Another heartbeat." I say. Her eyes widen in shock, but then she relaxes. 

"Rebekah, she is probably here by now. Remember? I said she was coming over." She explains and I nod my head. 

She sits up and kisses me, before getting off the bed. She walks back out of my room and I follow her, going down the stairs, and then into the living room that has the TV in. She sits on the sofa and starts flicking through the channels, stopping at Friends. 

"I'll watch this then." She says and gets comfortable. I walk around and sit next to her. 

"Haven't you watched these a thousand times?" I ask and she pulls a face. "What? It's true." I say and laugh as she death glares me.  

"What are you laughing at?" A voice says, and Rebekah walks in. "Ooh, friends. I love this episode." She sits down next to Hayley and starts watching it with us. 

"Good morning to you too, little Sister." I say and both of them shush me. I roll my eyes, but remain silent, watching it with them. 

It was actually quite funny, but I would never admit that to them. At one point, they asked if I could get some food so I walk into the kitchen and grab random snacks and three glasses of blood. Might as well get our strength up while doing nothing. I walk back into the living room and see Rebekah facing Hayley. 

"It's lovely. He must know you really well." She says to her and Hayley nods her head. 

"What are you two gossiping about? I thought we weren't allowed to talk when friends is on." I say and they both roll their eyes. 

"I noticed that Hayley was wearing the necklace I got her and then I noticed she was wearing another one. She explained that her boyfriend gave her it." Rebekah tells me. 

"Ahh." I say and hand them the snacks, after placing the glasses down on the table. 

"What's that?" She then asks me. I look at her confused. 

"My hand?" I ask, and she shakes her head. 

"No, you idiot, the thing on your wrist, I haven't seen that before." Rebekah points at it and I glance at Hayley, who widens her eyes. I sit back down on the sofa and look away from my Sister. 

"Erm. My girlfriend got me it." I say. 

"Aww, let's have a look." She says. 

"No, erm." I start, but she stands up and grabs my hand. "Rebekah I mean it." I say, but she has to be so bloody stubborn. She flips my wrist around so she can see the inscription.  

"'I love you to the afterlife and back.' Aww. She loves you." Rebekah gushes. She then looks up at me and watches my face turn slightly pink. "Oh my god, you love her too." She squeals. 

"Alright Rebekah, I don't think the wolves quite heard you in the Bayou then." I say and she hits me with her other arm. Her hand still hasn't let mine go. I try to move it out of her grasp, but she pulls it tighter. 

"Hang on, what's that? 'HM'" She looks at me and I look away. 

Shit. I start praying for someone to walk in and interrupt us, but no one does. Rebekah just looks at me and I stare at the floor, waiting for it to suck mine in so I could disappear. 

"Hey, Rebekah, why don't we look for something for Davina and Kol for the baby? We planned to do that remember." Hayley says, and Rebekah finally looks at her, letting go of my hand. 

"Ok." She says, but I can hear the suspicion in her voice. They walk to the door, Hayley already out of it. "Hang on. Hayley come here." She orders her. 

"What's up?" Hayley says, walking back to her. 

"Niklaus." She says, looking at me. She motions for me to come to her, but I stay still. She gives me a look and I sigh, walking towards her. When I reach her, she grabs my wrist, turning it to see the inscription again. With her other hand, she picks up Hayley's necklace from around her neck and looks at the letter charms on it. "HM." She says. 

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