A drunken night?

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Hayley's POV 

I down another shot, which makes it, I have no clue. The hundredth? It didn't help that we had compelled the bartender to carry on giving us drinks; he wasn't allowed to make us leave either. Klaus downs another one too, slamming it on the bar. He looks at me and smirks. "Should we make this the last one, Little Wolf?" I nod my head, and the bartender pours us one more. We both throw it back and place the glass back down. Getting out of my seat, I tiple over, but grab the bar before I could fall. Klaus grabs his coat, and shrugs it on, pulling a hundred dollar bill out, and giving it to the bartender. Getting my own coat, not bothering to put it on, and follow Klaus out of the bar. 

Looking around, knowing he shouldn't drive, and I shouldn't either, he puts his hand out and gets the attention of a cab. Holding the door open for me when it arrives, I get and slide over so he can too. Shutting the door, the driver asks our destination. Klaus opens his mouth but I stop him before he can reply. "Klaus, I don't want to go home. Not like this." He looks at me, staring into my eyes. Turning back to the driver, he thinks for a few seconds. 

"To the nearset motel please." 


Ten minute's later 

Hayley's POV 

We walk into the motel room, and I shut the door, locking it behind me. I turn and see Klaus staring at me. "What?" 

"Why did you not want to go home?" I sigh and walk over to one of the chairs, placing my coat on the side. 

"I just didn't want to. You can go back if you want to." He sighs and takes his coat off, walking next to me and putting his coat over mine. He looks at me and I look back. 

"I don't want to go home either." He pauses, thinking what he should say while I just wait for him to speak again. "I hate that everyone has someone. I'm happy that they have their partners, but it makes me feel really lonely, you know what I mean?" I nod my head. This must be the alcohol talking, he would never discuss something like this so openly. 

"Rebekah said I should move on with someone else. She even said if I didn't want a relationship with someone then have random hookups, but I don't know if I would want to do that. It doesn't seem right." 

"Marcel said the same thing. But people can be really weird when you hookup with them once. And like you said, it doesn't seem right. You don't want to sleep with a random person you just met, you want at least a conversation first." Staring into his eyes, I blurt out what I wanted to say all day. 

"I'm sure that girl who gave her number to you would want you to be with her right now." He raises his eyebrows at me. 

"Yeah, well I could say the same about my brother." I move closer to him. 

"You know I don't want him. But since you didn't answer about the girl, you must like her." I move away from him again. "So, why don't you ring her?" I say it lightly, but there is an annoyed tone underneath it. 

"Why are you bringing her up? And how did you know she gave me her number? If I wanted her I would have rung her and would be with her now, but I'm with you instead." Klaus, of course, had picked up on me getting annoyed, and so he got annoyed too. I turn to look at him, and I don't know why, but it was like my mouth was running too fast for my brain to keep up. 

"So your saying you made a mistake? That your with me now, but you really want to be with her?" His face hardens. 

"No that isn't what I am saying, but if you want me to leave then fine. I'll ring her and see if she wants to hang out. You can sit here and be by yourself, or ring my brother. I'm sure he is desperate to see you again. Hey, he might even sleep with you now your not together. Isn't that what normally happens? He only sleeps with you when you're not together?" I can tell by his face he is getting angry now, and that makes me just as angry. Why the hell would he say that? I walk over to him and pick up his coat, shoving it in his arms. 

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