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Freya's POV 

It's been two months since the wedding, Rebekah and Marcel are back from their honeymoon, but are having to live in the compound for a bit, with some things being done on their house. I have my own house with Keelin, but we're living in the compound for a bit too, to spend time with Klaus and Hayley. Kol and Davina are also here. They wanted to stay awhile because we thought it would be good to have some family time. 

As for getting Elijah back, I didn't realise how much power I had used until I tried again. I guess bring back a Hybrid and an Original Hybrid takes a lot out of you. Then making the Hybrid an Original pushes it a tad. Me, Davina and Vincent are going to start working to get him back tomorrow. I decided to not bring Hope into it because she needs her magic for school, and I don't want to risk it. I can't wait to see Elijah again. I miss the sensible one of us. 

I'm currently sat in one of the living rooms next to Keelin, with our son sat in between us. Our son was born after Niklaus and Elijah died, and so we decided to name our son Nik, after Niklaus. The plan was, if we had another boy, we would name him Eli or Ellie if we had a girl. Hopefully, that plan will happen in a year or so. Rebekah and Marcel are sat on the sofa opposite us, telling us more about the honeymoon. They went to Paris first, then to Spain, and ended in England. Rebekah wanted to go back there to see how things had changed since she was there last, and so, Marcel took her there as a surprise. Davina is sat next Rebekah on the other side, while Kol is sat on a chair in between the two sofas. We had been sat here for a bit over an hour, but the conversations never stopped. For a thousand years, I haven't been with them, but now, it feels like I have been there the whole time. Of course, I miss out on some jokes they have, but apart from that, no one would notice I wasn't raised with them. They never treat me any different than how they treat each other, and I appreciate it so much.  

"Where's Nik and Hayley?" Rebekah asks us. Nik, my son, points at himself and makes an adorable noise. We all laugh and smile at how cute he is. 

"He went out around nine this morning so I don't know. Hayley went out not long after he did." I shrug my shoulders, before focusing on my son again. 

"Do you notice how they are acting different around each other? I mean, I know they both died, and he probably missed her, she was dead for over two years, but they just seem, I don't know." Davina asks us. 

Just at that moment, we here Hayley laugh as she walks into the compound. "That was your fault. Don't go trying to blame it on anyone else." 

"Sorry love, but you were the one distracting me." He replies. They walk past the room we are in, oblivious to us even being here. "If it wasn't for your carpool karaoke, that you made me listen to, I wouldn't have nearly driven into the bloody bench. I mean, who puts a bench there." 

"Klaus. The bench was on the pavement. You drove on the pavement." She laughs again, and you can here a light chuckle from him. "Anyway, I'll see you in a minute. We still on for tonight." 

"Of course, little wolf." They vamp off into their rooms, leaving us all to just sit and look at each other.  

Kol stands up and shuts the door before asking Davina to put a spell on the room, so they can't hear what we are talking about. She does as he asks, and they both sit back down after they are sure the spell is working. 

"See what I mean. They would never be like that normally." Davina tells us. 

"Well, he could just want to spend time with her. As you said, she was dead for nearly two years, and he couldn't see her until now." Keelin shrugs it off. I think back to something that happened when I brought them back. Something sticking out in my memory. 

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