Kisses and shopping

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Klaus's POV 

I wake up and roll over, opening my eyes with a smile. The smile quickly fades when I don't see Hayley there. Sitting up, I look around and her clothes and shoes are gone. Any trace that she was here last night is gone.

I dreamed everything that happened after she said goodnight and left.  

Suddenly, there is a noise from my ensuite and then the sound of shuffling. Standing up, I slowly walk towards the door. What the hell? Why would my siblings go into my bathroom when they have ensuites of their own, and spare ones too. Opening the door, I get a pleasant surprise as I see Hayley brushing her teeth. She looks at me and smiles. 

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you." I sigh with relief. 

"I thought I dreamed it. I woke up and you weren't there, or your clothes, so I thought that the whole-" 

"Lied about being drunk thing didn't happen?" I nod my head and she just smiles again. "It wasn't a dream, Klaus. It actually happened. I thought it would be at first too, but I woke up and saw you there next to me, so I very happy that it wasn't." I smile at her, as she continues to brush her teeth. I look her over and start chuckling. She looks back at me after rinsing her mouth. "What?"  

"Are you wearing one of my shirts?" She walks towards me. 

"And what if I am? Do you have a problem with it?" She smirks at me, and I stand there for a few seconds before I pick her up, put her on the bathroom counter and kiss her.  Pulling away, I smirk back. 

"No problem at all. I like it. It looks better on you than me." She playfully hits me before pulling me closer to kiss me. 

"This is nice. I would like to wake up to this every day." I smile and nod my head. "Hey, what should we do about the family? I don't know if we should tell them yet." She asks me. 

I pick her up off the counter and place her back down so she is standing. Grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste, I shrug. "We could not tell them. I mean, they thought we hooked up at the wedding when we didn't, so maybe we could keep it a secret." 

"See if they figure out when we are actually hooking up?" She asks me. 

"Your words not mine, Little Wolf." She hits me again, and I smirk at her before brushing my teeth. After I rinse my mouth, I walk out of the bathroom and start getting dressed. Hayley had vamped to her room, got dressed and vamped back here. I looked up and she was watching me, standing against the wall. Standing up straight, I pull my shirt on and jacket. Quickly putting my shoes on, I walk to the door, but before I open it, I vamp to her and kiss her. She melts into it and wraps her arms around me. I deepen the kiss and run my fingers through her hair. She mumbles through the kiss. 

"We should stop." I make a 'hu-uh' noise, meaning yes, but I don't move away from her; she doesn't push me away either. We kiss for a bit longer. 

"They're probably waiting for us." I mumble. She says yes, but we still carry on. Her hand goes under my shirt and around my back, pushing me against her. My hand goes to her hip, making sure there is no gap between us, our bodies together. 

"Niklaus? We're waiting for you and Hayley to talk about the holiday. I'll go get her now." Breaking the kiss I vamp to my door, and open it slightly, seeing Freya stood there. 

"No, it's fine. I'll get her. We'll be there in a second." She nods her head and walks down the stairs to the kitchen. Shutting my door again, I look over at Hayley. "Good job she doesn't have superhearing." Hayley laughs and walks up to me, giving me one last kiss, before opening my door and walking out. I stay in my room for a few more seconds. 

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