Fourth of July

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I slowly sat up, I knew it was early, but there was pain shooting through my arm. I checked the time on my phone, it was only 8:25, still 35 minutes until breakfast.

"Good morning Lila, are you feeling okay?" Grace asks

"I need to take my medicine, my arm is hurting,"

"I'll walk with you to the Nurse, let's get ready, we'll go straight from there to breakfast,"

I slowly picked out an outfit and tried to get dressed on my own, but I couldn't get my shorts to button

I slowly picked out an outfit and tried to get dressed on my own, but I couldn't get my shorts to button

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"Need help?"

I nod, "I guess I'm gonna be stealing some of Zack's basketball shorts,"

"I don't mind helping you, I remember when I broke my arm as a kid, my older sister helped me with everything,"

"I'm just not used to it. I'm just glad I broke my left arm, I'm right-handed, so I can still draw and write,"

"That would have crushed you,"

"Drawing is all I can do now, I can't swim or do anything fun,"

Grace hugs me, "You can still have fun, you'll see,"

We walked outside, Zack was walking toward our cabin, just as he promised me last night

"Good morning Zack," Grace says

"Good morning, how is she feeling?"

"I'll be fine once I get my pain medicine,"

Zack gently holds my hand, "I'm sorry love, I wish I could do something to help,"

"I'll be okay, it just hurts pretty bad right now,"

"Do you want to walk with her to get the medicine?" Grace asks

Zack nods, "I'll walk her to the dining hall too,"

"Awesome, Thanks Zack,"

Zack and I walked downhill to the nurse's building.

"You look beautiful though,"

"Thanks, Zack, I hate getting dressed now. I'm probably going to live out of basketball shorts and sweatpants until my cast comes off,"

"I have extras you can borrow if you want,"

I nod, "I'll be wearing them home,"

"Good morning Lila," Nurse Sophie says

"Good morning,"

"I've got your medicine right here,"

I quickly swallowed the medicine, "Thank you,"

"You're welcome, if you start hurting, come see me and I'll give you your next dose,"

"I'll make sure she stays safe," Zack says

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