Cases and Classrooms

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TW Mentions of a case

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TW Mentions of a case

Walking into the round table room, you and Spencer are treated by the tired faces of your team. "Good morning little loves, How are we this morning." You smiled, taking the seat between JJ and Spencer. Luke Alvez was the first to respond, "I really fucking hate how chipper you are first thing in the morning." He rested his face in his hands. "Whatever." You grumbled taking a sip of your coffee.

Penelope Garcia came rushing into the room, coffee and remote in hand. Now she was was fucking chipper 24/7. "Good morning my muffins. Except for you Alvez." She shot him a glance as she handed a case file to the technophobe that is Spencer Reid. Alvez threw his hands up and looked around, the rest of the team snickering at her remark. "So last night San Francisco PD found a sex worker dead behind a dumpster with 22 stab wounds and a single gun shot to the back of her head." Penelope brought up the crime scene photos.

"Talk about over kill." You whispered, flipping through the photos on your tablet. "Any signs of sexual assault?" Tara asked turning to Garcia. "It doesn't look like it. But this isn't the only one, a few town over there was another sex worker who was killed the exact same way." Another picture of the victim came up. "Well they look very much alike so she must be surrogate." JJ looked around as she spoke. "Well either way we got to stop him, wheels up in 30." Emily said as she stood, making her way out of the room.

"I win." Spencer closed his file and stood. "Woah woah woah no. We don't know if it's a male just yet pretty boy." You crossed your arms over your chest, mirroring his motions. "Come on y/n. Woman are usual remorseful and there is clearly no remorse here." You walked a little faster to catch up with the brown eyed genius. "But she could strongly hate her gender. Or she could've had a spouse that cheated on her with a sex worker. You cant call it just yet."

 You got to your desk and out down your file. "I'm telling you it's a guy." Spencer shot you his signature tight lipped smirk. "Fine. Let's up the ante a little. If I'm right you have to allow me to watch one of your classes." You had been bugging Spencer to let you sit in on his class that he taught. You couldn't help but be curious of how the genius is as a teacher. "And if you win, I'll go to one of your stupid movie thingys that you always beg me to go to." You held out your hand for him to close the deal. Spencer squinted his eye lids at you, shaking your hand as he said "Deal."

"Lets go we have to get on the plane." You said, grabbing your go bag and walking to the SUVs that are waiting to take you to your case.


"HA TAKE THAT I WAS RIGHT." You shouted on the ride back to Quantico. Turns out the Unsub was a female who's husband left her for an escort. "So what did you guys bet this time?" Emily looked between the two of you. You sat back in your seat, "I said if it was a female and I win I get to sit in on one of Spencers classes. And if it was a male and he won, i'f go to one of his stupid movie things." You grinned proudly at yourself. 

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