Possessions and Anger

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Smut warning: praise, daddy kink, possession

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Smut warning: praise, daddy kink, possession.

"Lila Archer. It's been awhile."

You felt your insides burn with rage as you stared at her smiling fucking face. You decided to kill her with kindness, plastering a smile on your face as you shoved your hand out, preparing to introduce yourself.

"Hi. I'm Y/N. Spencers girlfriend." A smile on your face, but your tone cold as fucking ice.

Lila looked between your hand and Spencer before taking it, shaking firmly. You let go dropping your hand by your side. Lila wiped her hand on her pants like you were scum.

"I didn't know the Dr. Spencer Reid was finally locked down." She smirked, her hand running down Spencer's arm, her eyes scanning his body.

Anger bubbled inside you as she used his title, but you held back. Knowing if you spoke someone would be crying, and it wouldn't be you. Spencer shifted uncomfortably. You looped your arm through his, resting your head on his shoulder, eyes never leaving Lilas smug fucking face.

"Y-yeah. It's been a few months. H-how have you been." Spencer looked at his feet, not daring to meet her gaze.

"Still just as skittish as I remember," she let out a high pitched giggle, still touching Spencer. "But, I've been fantastic. So many projects in the works. I was in Nevada last week, but flew back when I heard the BAU was in town."

You rolled your eyes, scoffing at her statement. She shot you a look out of the corner of her eye. Murderous thoughts were running through your head as you watched her talk about how 'successful' she is.

"That's great, Lila. We'll it was nice to see you, we have to get back." Spencer turned to move, but Lila was going to let him leave that easy.

"Spence." Spencer froze again at the nickname, eyes meeting hers. "You should come over for dinner and we could, ya know, catch up."

Her tone couldn't have been any flirtier if she tried. You swallowed down the bile that rose in your throat. Blood boiling over.

"He's all set, Lila. He doesn't want to catch up with you. Don't you have someone else's career to ruin?" You cocked your head, shooting her a sickly sweet smile. You knew throwing her current allegations of abusing a popular actor in her face was low, but you didn't care.

"Wow Spencer. Shes really quite something. I see why you like her. Pretty, outspoken. Are you trying to find me again?" She looked at you in the eyes.

"That's enough Lila. I haven't thought about you in 10 years. Now, we really need to leave. Have a good night." Lila looked frustrated. You smiled at her, as you turned, hand and in hand with Spencer as you both made your way back over to the SUV. The rage burned inside you as you slipped into the passenger seat, spencer getting into the drivers side.

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