Home and Spencer

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TW: Talks of drugs, almost overdose, talks of IVs and hospitals

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TW: Talks of drugs, almost overdose, talks of IVs and hospitals

If you are not comfortable reading this part, do not stress! I will give a brief synopsis on the next part. Please keep yourself safe and I love you

Spener's POV:

It had been three days since the incident. Three days since I last slept. Three days since I was right.

After y/n spotted the unsub and tried to alert Luke, she walked to the bathroom, hoping both of us followed. Luke told me he had it. He didn't. The unsub grabbed y/n and injected her with an extremely high dose of what we thought was just Ketamine. It turns out it was mixed with cocaine. Too much for her tiny body. When we finally got to her, she was unresponsive and seizing.

Luke called for backup, sighting agent down. I've never ran so fast in my fucking life. She was pale, almost blue. It was hard to look at her, but I had too. I rolled her on her side so she wouldn't choke on anything, making sure she had space, silently begging whoever was fucking listening not to take her from me. We hadn't had enough time together. I needed forever, not 2 and a half fucking years.

The paramedics got there and administered a reversal of the drugs. The unsub was caught by Matt, which I only knew after following the stretcher out. The sick fucker was smirking at his work, while the love of my fucking life was practically dead. I would've killed him if y/n didn't need me more.

Now, we were in the hospital. I held her hand tight, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles. She was hooked up to all kind of machines that let me know she was alive. The doctor said she was lucky. Would anyone call being drugged by an unsub lucky? I've been there. It's not fucking lucky. It's fucking sad.

But I never left her. Not for more than it took for me to pee. Emily had told me to go home and shower, but I couldn't. Refusing to leave her in case she woke up and asked for me. That would be just my luck.

She looked so peaceful. Beautiful. She was everything and I almost lost her. I kissed her hand, looking around at the room. Flowers brightened up the Beige room. They were from the team, and even other departments of the FBI. I grimaced at them. She hated flowers.

"Why would you waste money on something that's just going to die? Is it supposed to be a metaphor? 'I'm going to love you till you're shriveled up, then ill throw you away and get something younger, brighter.' Stupid"

I smiled at the memory. It was something I made sure to extra remember that she hated flowers. I looked back at her sleeping figure, sitting back in the chair but not once letting go of her hand. I was about to close my eyes when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out, swiping the screen to unlock it. It was the group chat Penelope had set up to make communicating easier.


Penelope: Hey Spence. How is our beautiful fighter today?

Emily: We miss you both

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