Lunches and Lectures

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"Good morning everyone

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"Good morning everyone. Today, I brought in a surprise guest with me to talk about the kind of work we do at the BAU. Please welcome my dear friend and colleague, Y/N Y/L/N."

 Spencer motioned to you and polite claps came from the 30+ students in Reids human behavior lecture. You looked around the room at the fresh 18-25 year olds, slightly nervous.

"Hi everyone. As Dr. Reid said I am Y/N and I work along side him at the FBI in the behavior analysis unit. I used to work in Special Ops before this position became available to me." You shifted your weight from foot to foot, biting the inside of your cheek as Spencer took over.

"Our job at the BAU, as I've explained before, is to use psychology to catch the unknown subject or the Unsub. We use the information that has been gathered from the crime scene or scenes and use it to create an idea of who this person is, also known as a profile, allowing law enforcement to catch them." Spencer looked over at you, smiling, a notion he wanted you to continue.

"For example, lets say we have three woman who were found stabbed to death. They are all white, blonde, and all live low risk lifestyles. That mean they don't do things that ultimately put them in harms way. We know from that information that our Unsub probably I suit them as a surrogate as he or she may not be able to get to the real target. Due to the nature of these crimes we can tell he/she was probably mistreated by this woman in their life and feels this is payback." 

The students faces twisted at the slight profile you gave. Suddenly a boy in the back raised his hand, Spencer called on him.

"But how do we know that our Unsub is abused. To me this sounds like a guessing game of oh maybe abc happened to lead to xyz." You shot Spencer a look. This was something you guys heard a lot, but the reality is, you are just using science and psychology.


"You did really good you know. Have you ever thought of teaching a course?" You and Spencer walked side by side back to the car. The class went by quickly and you honestly liked teaching others what you did.

"Absolutely not. I liked it but I hate when people ask stupid questions about our line of work. Half those ass hats couldn't stomach what we do all day." You laughed, shaking your head. Spencer looked over at you, "ehh half of them wouldn't even make it through training." You looped you're arm with his, hading him the keys to your car.

Sliding into the passenger seat and buckling your seat belt, Spencer put the car in drive and headed towards your guys favorite little café. "Kind of like how you realistically only got in because of that large brain of yours." You giggled as you poked him in the arm. Spencer rolled his eyes, shooting you a glare, "don't ever tell my students that." You shook your head, "wouldn't dream of it Spencie."

Spencie was the nickname Cat Adams gave him before she sent him to prison. You had warned him that if he kept calling you Fluff, you'd call him Spencie. He didn't stop so now you're both stuck with terrible nicknames. "I hate when you call me that." He groaned pulling into the café.


You and Spencer sat outside, breathing in the crisp October air as you watched crispy leaves float by your feet in the slight breeze. You picked up your hot chocolate with both hands, bringing it up to your lips, feeling the warm liquid slide down your throat, warming you up. "So you said we'd talk at lunch, its lunch. Spill bitch boy." Spencer lifted his brow at the name. "Bitch boy? Yeah okay, Fluff. But honestly, I kind of told you everything. It's your turn to either agree or not." He shrugged as he took a sip of coffee.

You rested your chin in your palm, crossing your legs. You liked the idea of his offer, however, you guys were best friends. You didn't want sex to change that. "Spence, what about work?" He shrugged again, "what about it? You know the rules, as long as it doesn't effect our performance in the field, we are fine. But I'd like to keep my personal life a secret. I like being looked at as the innocent one." Spencer brought his eyes up to meet yours, he was serious.

"So this would be a secret?" You took a bite of your sandwich, chewing it fully before swallowing. Spencer licked his lips, "well yeah. You know the team would never let me live it down if they found out. And I know you're worried about our friendship but think of it as one friend helping the other, except you have a really great fucking orgasm from it."

Your face got red as he spoke, "shhhhhhh that was a little fucking loud genius." You used your hands to motion for him to turn his voice down. "But the idea of you showing me the ropes, pun intended, is intriguing. And I'd really like to get off seeing as no guy can ever seem to get that fucking right." You threw your hands in the air huffing slightly as you crossed them over your chest.

Spencer laughed sipping his coffee again, "how about this, I'll give ya a little test run and if you like it, I'll teach you. If you don't, we forget it happened and go back to normal." He wasn't fucking kidding. But is it possible to even do this and then go back like nothing ever fucking happened? Its not something you've ever been able to do. But the idea of fucking Spencer was a beautiful thought. "And it wont effect our work?" You stared him down, the last thing you wanted was to lose your job over an orgasm. "Not unless you let it." Your mouth hung open slightly, "me? I'd never. This job is way to important." You looked at your half eaten food.

The idea of a someone, especially your best friend bossing you around and being in control of you was something you never thought you'd be into, but here we are. "So like if after this 'test run', I agree, what happens?" Curiosity coursing through you, excitement right behind it. "If you agree, then I become your dom and you're my submissive. You follow my orders and do as I say. You break a rule, you get punished. Simple."

Yeah so fucking simple. "We use a safe word if it gets to intense. My job is to test your limits but not force you to do anything you don't want too. Communication is key here, Fluff. If there is anything you aren't comfortable with, let me know." He folded his hands on the table, leaning closer to you. You started to feel nervous. "Okay okay. I can be honest, communicate. But honestly, I'm a wicked asshole so like it looks like I'll be punished a lot." You giggled.

Spencer reached over and grabbed the other half of your sandwich that you hadn't touched, taking a bite, and chewing it. "You have no idea how many times you've been defiant to either me or our team and I've wanted to bend you over my knee and spank you till your ass was purple." He said with a mouthful of food. You stiffened in your seat, squeezing your thighs together. He was turning you on and all he did was explain what he wanted to do. "That smart mouth of yours is going to get you in a lot of trouble." He put the sandwich down, brushing his hands of crumbs.

Spencer stood, holding his hand out to you as he said, "Let's go back to my place for that test run shall we?" You nodded taking his hand, looping your arm through his as you walked to your car. 

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