No Privacy and A Stalker(s)

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SURPRISE! HAPPY TURKEY DAY FRIENDS!! I AM SO THANKFUL FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF Y'ALL! MWAH!!!!! 💋💋This chapter is dialogue heavy for a reason

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This chapter is dialogue heavy for a reason. My apologies if this isn't really ya thing

You flicked through the pictures with Spencer, winching every so often at the photos that appear on the screens in front of you. Some are just of you and Spence holding hands, walking, shopping, or out to eat. But then there are the personal ones, you and him cuddling, you on top of him, him on top of you, you tied to the fucking bed, etc. This was a part of your life that you didn't plan on showing anyone, and here was someone photographing some of the most intimate moments of your life. You felt a lump rise in your throat as you scrolled through the thousands of pictures.

"This is fucking disgusting." Spencer muttered. The frustration rolling off of him like waves on a shore.

"I'm so sorry." You said. You feel so many emotions that it's hard to process. You kept scrolling, cringing at the pictures. The more you scrolled, the closer the photographer got. Up close pictures of you entangled up with Spencer, it looks to be the middle of the night. There are even photos from fucking California. You and Spencer talking to Lila. You looked angry, clearly talking to her about why she was flirting with your man.

"Don't. Do not apologize for this. Don't." Was all he managed. He tried to console your shivering body, but his anxiety was too much.

You pressed forward, tears of frustration and anxiety rolling down your face. You needed to see all of them. Thoroughly examine every single one, even if it killed you.

"I cant look at these anymore. You have to stop." Spencer said, standing from his chair. He paced around the bat cave, you followed him with your eyes.

"Spencer, we have to look at these. They are evidence and we have to examine them, see if we can see anything. Please." You begged trying to get him to just sit back down.

"I cant. It makes me sick that someone watched us. Watched us when we were in private moments. Then he sent them to our friends, team members. A mock. He tried to show out friends what we do in our off time. That's not okay. And the simple fact that I wasn't-"Spencer's voice cracked, but nevertheless he continued, "-I wasn't vigilant enough to prevent this. To protect you. I didn't- I didn't do my job as a profiler, as your boyfriend, as you dom. That's literally my fucking title. Makes me feel like a fucking failure, Fluff."

Your heart shattering at the sobbing man in front of you. You stood, wrapping him in your arms as you tried to console him. You leaned up, placing a chaste kiss to his lips.

"Stop that. You are not a failure in any of these situations. You couldn't have prevented this even if you tried. There was nothing you could do, Spence. You protect me always. Always. You make me feel safe and even now, with you here, right now, I feel protected. Safe." You reached up, hands cuffing his face. "You couldn't have prevented this Spencer. I love you so much."

Spencer leaned into your touch, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. His brown eyes peered into yours with as much love as he could physically muster. But he didn't need to. You knew how much he loved you. How much he wanted to protect you. This wasn't his fault. It wasnt anyones fault.

"I love you. So much. So so much, princess." Spencer kissed you the way you previously did.

"Now lets finish going through these please." You said, pulling him back to his seat.


"Okay that's all of them. All four thousand of them." You slumped forward, resting your chin in your hands. The final picture in the set was from no less than 48 hours ago. Your back pressed against Spencers, one hand on your throat, the other wrapped in your hair while your hands were behind your back. Looks of pleasure evident on both your faces, bodies bare. The picture was so fucking close, the photographer looked like they had to of been on Spencers balcony. The thought chilling.

"That was fucking disgusting." Spencer whined, rubbing his eyes. "However, when this is over, we should print off some of the steamy ones." He laughed, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

You let out a loud laugh, the emotions that had been pent up coming out as humor. Not that you thought any of this was funny but if you didn't laugh, crying was going to happen.

"Sorry I don't mean to laugh, but I don't know what else to do. But, yes we should. I liked that last one. You look hot AF."

Spencer laughed with you, taking your hand and kissing the back of it. "I think you look like a fucking goddess. I could worship at your feet." He cooed, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand.



"Okay. We have to figure out who took these. I don't think they are in any serious danger. We'll have an officer at their doors and black out all of their windows." I tried hard not to panic, but the idea of that two of my favorite humans were being targeted, killed me. When Garcia called me about these photos, I freaked. I'm unit chief, I'm not supposed to freak.

"We need to go over any recent cases that involved Spencer and y/n." Matt said softly.

"We should look into anyone they had contact with. Everyone and anyone they have spoken too. I don't care if it's a fucking toilet. I want to know." I said. Just then Spencer and y/n came back into the room, hand and hand with smiles that didn't reach their eyes. Spencer looked like he'd aged 30 years in under an hour.

"We need a list of everything you've done that you can think of that isn't case related." Luke said as he avoided eye contact.

"Also we're sending units to your houses, blacking out windows" I told them. Why do they always have to fucking target us?


"Just send units to my apartment. She cant be alone." Spencer told Emily.


"Don't. Just don't. Together or not at all." He said wrapping you in a hug. You just nodded.

"I'll get that list going. Garcia send me and y/n the pictures so we can go over them. I want to comb over every single image to see if there is anything in there." Spencer told the team.

"Spencer and I will send you all the, uhm, appropriate pictures. As a, uhm, fresh set of eyes." A blush crossed your face. The idea of your friends seeing you naked wasn't something you were keen on. It was something you and Spencer agreed on. JJ, Garcia, Tara and Emily would help you go over the racier ones. Just not the nakey ones.

"You guys go home. Y/N we'll have someone go to your apartment to get your stuff. We don't know how long you'll be at Spencers." JJ pulled you into a hug, squeezing you like only a mother could. It made you comfortable. Safe.

But not safe enough. 

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