Pain and Pleasure

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Spanking, handcuffs, hair pulling, degradation, praise, edging

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Spanking, handcuffs, hair pulling, degradation, praise, edging

After arriving at the hotel and getting your room from Prentiss, you put all your stuff down, laying back on the bed for a minuet, mulling over the events of the day. You're phone dinged beside you, spencers name showing.

Room #


215 bitch boy


Don't test me y/n. You're already up there. Be ready. I'll be up in 5.


Ohhh I'm so fucking scared

You smiled as you hit send. You knew what being a total brat would get you, but frankly you couldn't care less.

You hopped off the bed and dug through your go bag, taking out the white lingerie set you brought specifically for if you and Spencer planned on playing. You pulled it on, looking at yourself the mirror. You looked like a fucking angel and you hoped Spencer agreed. You jumped at the sudden knock at the door.

You peaked through the peep hole to see Spencer standing there looking very hot, and very fucking angry. You grinned to yourself as you opened the door. You knew, thanks to Prentiss spilling on accident, that you were the only one on this floor. Spencers eyes raked down your body, drinking in every ounce of you. "Eyes up here bitch boy." You said, hooking a finger under his chin so his eyes meet yours.

Spencer was speechless. A rarity for the boy genius from Vegas. You giggled, stepping aside so he could come in. Spencer pushed past you as you shut the door. As soon as the door clicked, your body was pushed up against the door, Spencer holding your hands behind your back.

Spencer moved a hand up the curve of your ass and up your body. "You think you can just fucking tease me like that? You are not the one in charge here, princess." His voice dominant. His hand that was trailing up your body grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling you so your chin jutted up towards the ceiling. "Then you have the fucking nerve to dress like this?" His voice at your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

You laughed at him, "don't pretend you don't fucking like it. I'm a profiler too remember?" Spencer let go of your hands, a sharp slap hitting your left ass cheek. You let out a small yelp at the sudden movement, growing wetter by the minuet.

Spencer unraveled his hand from your hair, moving it around to your neck, pulling you into his body, his lips at your ear, "stop being a fucking bratty fucking slut." Another slap coming down on your ass, a staggered moan pushing past your lips. You adverted your eyes the best you could before speaking, "no. make me."

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