Sickos and Sleepovers

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TW: Mentions of a case I made up

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TW: Mentions of a case I made up

"How the fuck do we have semen from this sicko but cant get a match?" You rubbed your temples as you plopped down in a seat. You and the team had been running in circles and now the clock was ticking as another woman was reported missing.

"He's clearly never been in trouble." Tara exclaimed, sitting down across from you. Just then Spencer and Luke entered the room, "Okay so our new victim, Jennifer Taylor, looks like she went willingly. There was no sign of forced entry, and nothing was out of place, but all her belongings were left behind." Spencer looked at you, you shot him a slight smile, your head pounding.

"Is she his end game? She clearly knew him." JJ looked just as confused as the rest of you. "Either that or he got her to open the door and then kidnapped her." Emily sipped her coffee. You dialed Garcia, her cheerful voice coming through the speakers, "hello my favorite crime fighters." You smiled at her carefree voice. "Hi my love, we need any and all information on Jennifer Taylor. We need e-mails, phone records, bank statements, the whole nine yards, please and thank you. Oh and a list of people she knew."

"On it but it may take me a minuet. I'll call you when I have it." You heard the familiar click of her hanging up. You put your phone down and put your head in your hands. Jennifer didn't have a lot of time left if the unsub continued his patterns and so far alls you had was that he was a sexual sadist in his late thirties who clearly hates these woman.


"Daniel Herring FBI" Emily shouted at the man who was our unsub, guns drawn. Jennifer was in his grasp, a knife to her throat. "Come closer and I'll kill her." He shouted, shaking.

Daniel was an ex of Jennifer's and hated the fact the she was an escort so he took it out on the others who were like her. Leave it to Garcia to figure it out, half these cases wouldn't be solved if it wasn't for her.

"You don't have to do that. We can help you. Let her go." You called to him, trying desperately to diffuse the situation. "NO. She is the poison. She is disgusting. I tried to save her." You thought on your feet, putting your gun away and putting your hands up. "So let her go. Let her live with the fact that she's the poison. If you kill her she wont have to live with that." You stepped closer to him, cautious of the weapon in his hands. "No. No. Because she'll keep poisoning these men." You looked at Jennifer, begging her with your eyes to follow your lead. "Jennifer do you promise to stop if he lets you go?"

"Y-yes I promise. Daniel we can be together and I'll stop." Thank god she got it. She was a smart one. With that he dropped the knife, letting her go. Simmons grabbing her and escorting her to the waiting medic while you cuffed Daniel, reading him his rights as you handed him over to local PD.

"You did so good Fluff." Spencer said pulling you into a hug, something he did often after an intense stand off. "Thanks Spencie." You muttered. Your words muffled by Spencers chest. You breathed in his scent, a sense of calm washed over you.

"Good work everyone lets get to the jet." Emily sighed as she watched them drive away with Daniel in the back of the cop car.


"Honestly I just cant believe that last case." Luke shuddered from his seat on the plane. You were sitting with Spencer on the couch, leaning against his chest, one of his arms draped around you, his other holding his head up. "Like honestly, like dude go to therapy." You let out a chuckle. "No one goes to therapy anymore." Spencer muttered. "Lukes mom does." Tara muttered not looking up from her book. The entire plane let out a loud laugh, "ha ha so funny Tara."

You rested your head back on Spencers shoulder, letting out a low sigh. "You two look pretty comfy." Luke wiggled his brows. This wasn't uncommon of the team making assumptions about you and Spencer. The difference this time was that, their assumptions were correct. But they didn't need to know that. You picked up the small pillow and chucked it at Luke. "Shut the fuck up. Friends cant cuddle? I cuddle with JJ all the time." Luke laughed shaking his head. "Yeah yeah whatever you say."

You rested back into Spencer who was now reading, opening his arm to let you settle in before wrapping back around to hold his book. You closed your eyes, trying to get some shut eye before the plane landed.


You woke up to Spencer shaking you gently, "Fluff wake up, we're getting ready to land." You opened your eyes, stretching slightly. You rubbed your eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. Spencer leaned down putting his book in his bag, "my house?" He questioned quietly to just you. You looked down at your phone, noticing it was 1am. "It's a little too late to play don't you think?" Your voice just as quiet. Spencer shrugged, "we don't have rules against cuddling and playing in the morning." He gave you a sly smile. What harm could it be? You slept good last night and plus you'd get fucked in the morning so it's a win win. "Sure but you're driving. I'm way to tired." Spencer grinned widely at your acceptance, "deal." He sounded excited. His beautiful brown eyes glowing in the dim cabin light.

What could cuddles hurt? 

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