A Sports Car and A Date

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Spencers words replayed over and over in your head for the past week

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Spencers words replayed over and over in your head for the past week. "You're mine. Do you understand me? Mine." You'd though about it since he said it, wondering if there was a hidden meaning behind it or if it was just a in-the-moment- type beat.

You had both agreed to no feelings, but for you, that rule was slowly breaking. You wondered how one could possibly not catch feelings. Especially with the way Spencer treated you. He made you feel beautiful, powerful. Like you could do anything.

He was supportive in everything you did. And the sex was mind blowing, so again, how could someone not fall in love. However, you were certain that Spencer didn't feel the same way. He had practice with the whole dom-not-catching-feelings-just-sex. You did too, but most of them were one night stands so it was virtually impossible for feelings to develop. Not this time.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Spencer's voice brining you back down to Earth. "Hm? Oh yeah yeah I'm fine. I just didn't sleep good last night." You shot him a smile. "So I was wondering," Spencer started, leaning in and lowering his voice slightly, "if you wanted to go on a date tonight. Like a real date? You can say no but you've been doing so well and I want to reward you with some 'hearts and flowers'" You heart fluttered at his rambles

Spencer Reid wants to take me on a date?

"I- First of all, did you just quote 'Fifty Shades'?" You giggled as he shook his head. He had borrowed all of the books for "research purposes" whatever that meant. "And second of all, don't feel obligated to give me 'more'. I don't want to pressure you for that. I'm good with what we have now." Which was the truth, but more wouldn't be so bad either.

"I don't feel obligated." He furrowed his brows, looking down at his fidgeting hands, "I want to take you on a date. I-I think it would be fun. J-just the two of us." He was stuttering, his tell that he was nervous.

Maybe he does have feelings?

You thought for a second, weighing all the possibilities, "Sure Spence I'll go on a date with you. I think it would be fun as well." His face lit up like a kid on Christmas as you accepted. The sight sending butterflies to your belly.

Fuck he's perfect.

"Really? Okay, wow I'm so excited! Okay so how's tonight sound?" You two had plans to hang out tonight anyway, it was Friday night and there was no case, a perfect date night. "Tonight sounds good." His smile growing wider. His face was going to break at how wide he was smiling. "Perfect. I want you to be at my place for 8 and wear that white dress with the buttons down the front that you wore to the Simmons baby sprinkle thing." His smile turning into a sly smirk. His gentle reminder that he was still your dom and was still in control.

You quickly finished off your paperwork, shut your computer down and headed out, saying quick goodbyes to the team as you raced home to get ready. Your mind spinning on the fact that you're literally going on a date with Spencer, butterflies filling your entire body.

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