Her and him

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Smut warning: knife play*, daddy kink, bondage, slapping, degradation, praise use of safe words (yellow)

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Smut warning: knife play*, daddy kink, bondage, slapping, degradation, praise use of safe words (yellow)

If this topic makes you uncomfortable, skip the smut! I'll bold where the story picks back up.

*I NEED IT KNOWN RIGHT NOW: this topic is dangerous and is not something that should be taken seriously. I was largely inspired by constantpanicmode for this but am in no way trying to copy her work. ALSO: I did so much research on this topic to be as prepared and not to misinform anyone. Please, please understand that if this is not done correctly, it could result in DEATH. I love you guys please be safe.

... ....

It's been an entire week since Garcia received the e-mail. The team has been working tirelessly to figure out who sent them, and who's stalking us. But so far, we have nothing, and frankly you were going stir crazy. You and Spencer are not allowed out of the apartment and you both consult on cases from his living room. The officers assigned to keep a 24/7 watch do everything for you that requires outside activities.

"I cannot spend another day in this apartment." You sighed, rolling over to face spencer. While spending all your time together is great, you need to work. Need to be around your friends, need to go grocery shopping.

Spencer brushed your hair out of your face, sighing just as you had. "I know baby. But it's not safe for us to go out there. They could come out of the shadows and hurt us. Hurt you. We cant risk that. I wont risk it."

You sighed again, knowing he was right, but also feeling restless. You were surrounded by darkness Windows covered, making it impossible for anyone to get any pictures. That was the deal. They even changed the lightbulbs to replicate daylight, but there was nothing like actual sunlight. You missed it. But was it worth the risk to go out? Not even a little bit. So here you stayed, holed up in Spencer's apartment.

You nuzzled into him, breathing in his scent, while he ran his hands up your back. "I love you, Spence." You kissed his chest.

"I love you too, Fluff." He brushed his face over the top of your head.


*SMUT STARTS HERE* Start the song hereeeeee 

It was an eventful day. Well that's what you told yourself, trying to change your mindset. You and Spencer worked on the current case the team was working on. Working with Spencer to make a geographical profile. It kept you busy, but once Emily sent everyone home, you and Spencer were, once again, left to acknowledge their predicament. You closed your laptop once you were done filling out your paperwork for the day. Spencer, who finished forever ago, was sat on the couch reading away, his fingers sliding down the page with ease, his eyes rapidly scanning the words. He just looked so beautiful, even doing the most mundane shit. It was maddening how one person can be so perfect. But here he was.

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