Little Spoon and Sleep Talking

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Smut warning: Handcuffs, choking, degrading, praise

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Smut warning: Handcuffs, choking, degrading, praise

The case you were working on was tough. The unsub was escalating and the team was no where near close. Alls we know is that it's a woman. It's frustrating to say the least, so when Emily allowed everyone to head to your rooms for rest, the first thing you did was run a bath. You sunk down into the warm, bubbly water, your muscles relaxing immediately.

You laid back, taking a deep breath. Your mind racing of all of the facts of this case. You let out a frustrated breath as your phone buzzed. You reached over, wiping your hand on a towel before picking up your phone. It was a text from Spencer.


I'll be at your room in 5 minuets. Be ready.

You perked up at his text.

To SPENCIE: Okay birthday boy. Anything for you, sir

You giggled as you pulled the drain, turning the shower on and rinsing your body. You stepped out, drying off and putting on the hotel issued robe. You heard a knock on the door, peering through the peep hole to see Spencer standing there. You opened the door a huge smile on your face. "Hello beautiful." He smiled at you as you moved to the side so he could step in.

He was still in his work clothes. You shut the door, locking it. You felt Spencer's hands wrap around your waist, his lips connecting with your neck, nipping at the skin. You lolled your head to the side to give him better access. Spencer sucked at the skin just behind your ear, a small moan coming from you. He pulled the tie of your robe undone, pulling the plush material off of your body, leaving you completely vulnerable.

Spencer continued to kiss and suck on your neck as he grabbed your hands, pulling them behind your back. You heard the clanking of metal behind your back before you felt the cool metal of Spencers handcuffs. He brought his lips to your ear as he put one cuff on your right wrist, not closing it just yet, "is this okay?" Always asking if it was okay. One of your favorite things. "Yes Spence." With that Spencer closed the cuffs, putting a finger under them to make sure they weren't too tight.

He turned you around, crashing his lips to yours, kissing you with a frenetic manner. His tongue ran over your bottom lip begging for entrance. One of his hands was wrapped up in your hair, pulling slightly the other running up and down your sides. You gave him access, your tongues fighting for dominance. Spencer trailed his lips down your jaw and neck, leaving intense hickeys in his wake.

You pulled on your restraints, the cuffs biting into your skin. Spencer pulled away, chuckling at how needy you were, "Patience princess. It is my birthday." You rolled your eyes, "just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you get to be fucking slow." Sarcasm dripping from your words.

Spencer's eyes turned dark, his pupil taking up almost all of his honey eyes. You smirked at him, enjoying his reaction. "Oh I'm sorry. Did I strike a fucking nerve?" Just because it was his birthday doesn't mean you couldn't have a little fun. Right?

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