Spencer and You

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Smut warning: praise, degradation, spitting, slapping

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Smut warning: praise, degradation, spitting, slapping

You spent the rest of the flight fuming at Spencer and trying to get rid of the headache pounding in your temples. You tried falling asleep but to no avail. Now, as the plane lands, you take a long sigh, mentally exhausted from how different your morning was to now.

You gathered up all your things, standing to collect your go bag, you could feel Spencers eyes on you. You looked over, making eye contact, hurt and sorrow flashing in his eyes. You shot him a look that could kill. How dare he make decisions for you? Risking exposing the secret fling you guys had, and for what? Spencer was the one to break the eye contact, shifting uncomfortably before collecting his things.

"JJ and Matt, I want you at the latest crime scene. See what you can gather there. Alvez and Rossi go to the ME office. Tara, Y/N and Spencer, come with me so we can make a plan for tonight." Emily directed everyone before walking off of the plane.

You followed behind her, paying no attention to Spencer. You hopped in the passenger seat of the SUV Emily had chosen, sitting with your arms crossed as you waited for the others.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want too." Emily sighed from her spot next to you. She sounded... concerned. Like she knew this wasn't a good idea but also knew there wasn't very many options.

You ran your hands through your hair, turning her words over in your head. "No, I can do this. I have to do this. What do we know about our unsub? Does this place have cameras?"

"He's killed all these women by a single gunshot to the back of the head. Execution style. It seems he is strong and somehow over powers them. We will know more about if they were drugged when Luke and David come back from the ME, but it doesn't seem like these women went willingly. They don't have cameras because that would be too easy, but a few friends gave a description so we hav that much to go off of. " She laughed at the last part. She's right, it would be easy if there was cameras, but the BAU doesn't always have luck like that.

You heard the doors open, Spencer sliding in behind Emily, Tara sliding in behind you. He probably was sitting there to check out your micro expressions, using anything negative he profiles to further convince you not to do this. You pulled out your phone, scrolling through social media to make the silence in the car more barrable.


Once at the station, you all hopped out, walking inside being greeted by the Sherriff.

"Hi my name is Sherriff Jefferson Blockwell. Thank you guys for coming down here so quick, my apologies for calling on a weekend. Trust me, I'd rather still be in bed myself." He held out his hand. You all shook his hand, except for Spencer. Blockwell looked offended so you spoke up, "he doesn't shake hands with anyone. Don't be offended. I'm SSA Y/N Y/L/N. This is SSA Dr. Tara Lewis, Dr. Spencer Reid, and SSA Emily Prentiss." You introduced.

You {Spencer Reid x Reader 18+} || ✔️Where stories live. Discover now