Sunday Mornings and New York

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The sun blaring through Spencer's window was what woke you

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The sun blaring through Spencer's window was what woke you. You took a deep breath, stretching your limbs. You felt the soreness settling between your legs as you stretched. You looked to your left and found an empty spot where Spencer should be. You furrowed your brows, curious as to where this fucker could be on a Sunday.

You rolled over and grabbed your phone off of the bedside table. You tapped the screen showing no messages. You grew more confused. Where the fuck is Spencer? You waited a second, trying to listen for the running shower, but it was silent.

"Spence?" You called as you went to get out of bed.

As soon as your feet hit the floor, you felt the full brunt of the soreness from the previous nights activities. "Fuck." You muttered as you steadied yourself on the post at the end of Spencers bed. You walked slowly, waiting for the pain to subside. You got to the door, pulling it open, calling again for Spencer. You got no response.

Where the actual fuck is this boy. You padded through the apartment, looking for the man who rearranged your insides last night. You walked by his office, noting that the door was closed. You put your ear to the door, hearing light music playing from the other side of the door. You turned the knob, pushing the door open. There sat a shirtless Spencer in black sweatpants which sat low on his hips, the sun gently illuminating his beautiful features. The sight took your breath away.

Spencer looked over as you opened the door, shooting you the million-dollar smile.

"Well well well, if it isn't sleeping beauty." Spencer motioned you forward by putting his arms out and flicking his fingers forward. You giggled as you walked towards him, a slight limp in your step.

Spencer smiled up at you as you threw a leg over him, straddling his lap, your head resting on his shoulder. Spencer kissed your head, his arms wrapping around your back, pulling you into him. You took a deep breath, committing his scent to memory.

"Why are you working on a Sunday?" You whine, nuzzling your head into his neck, leaving little kisses.

"I'm grading princess." Spencer runs his hands up and down your back.

You whine, bouncing on his lap in protest. Spencer laughs and tightens his hold around you. "Give me like 20 minuets and I'll give you all the attention you want."

You, again, whine in protest, asking, "well, can I atleast stay here?"

Spencer pulls you back, hands cupping your face, his puppy dog eyes on full display, "yes, but you have to be good and let me grade." He plants a tender kiss to your smiling lips.

"And if I'm not?" You tease knowing full well what will happen.

"That's for me to know and you to, hopefully, not find out."

At that you rested your head back on his shoulder, arms tight in the space between you and him. Spencer pulled himself into his desk, resuming his grading.

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