Praise and Degradation

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Smut warning: handcuffs, orgasm denial, daddy kink, hair pulling, choking, degradation, praise, biting

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Smut warning: handcuffs, orgasm denial, daddy kink, hair pulling, choking, degradation, praise, biting.

Spencers hand was around your throat faster than it took to take a breath. His fingers almost connected together at the back of your throat. His thumb brushing over your pulse point. Your chest heaving at the excitement coursing through your veins.

"You think this is a fucking joke?" His face impeccably close to yours. Your eyes kept flicking between his lips and eyes, fearing the consequences of leaving his gaze for too long. Spencers grip got a little tighter around your throat, as he spoke again, "I asked you a fucking question, pet." His tone just as stern as before.

You struggled for form words, mind blanking. "I- i. N-no d-daddy. I don't think it's a j-joke." You stuttered through your sentence.

Spencer let out a soft chuckle, his hand dropping from his perch around your neck. Your body silently missing his touch. "Well then, I think we should get back to the party, don't you think?" Spencer pushed himself off of the wall, opening the door and walking out. Leaving you there breathless, and very turned on. You followed him with your eyes, desperately hoping he'll turn around and take you right there. But, he didn't. Instead he continued to walk to the others, leaving you a panting mess.

So, you followed. You trailed behind him on shaky legs, willing yourself to not look overly aroused as you joined back with your friends. You were met by Spencer handing you a glass of wine, his hands brushing over his pocket, a slight reminder of the toy still buried inside you. You looked at him with wide eyes, begging him to either take you home and fuck your brains out or ... well you didn't really have an "or" to be fair. So you took your glass, and took a sip, sitting down in his lap, crossing a knee over the other.


The door was barely shut before your body was pressed against it, Spencers hands on either side of your face. His eyes blown out by his pupils. Spencer bent down, capturing your lips in his. Spencer pressed his body to yours, his hard dick against your stomach. You rolled your body against in, begging silently for friction you needed.

Spencer wrapped around your throat, your pulse quickening. "Don't be fucking greedy" he growled, pushing your hips back against the wood. Spencer grabbed your hair, pulling it to give him better access to your neck. His lips connected with the skin, leaving love bites in his wake that make-up wouldn't be able to hide.

"I want you to strip all the way and sit on the bed on your knees. Take out the vibrator and put it in the sink. No touching. Eyes down. Do you understand?" He whispered in her ear, nipping at the skin just below it. You nodded, words failing just as they did at Rossi's.

"Answer me, princess. You know I like words."

"Y-yes sir. I understand." You muttered through heavy breaths.

"Good girl. Now go." Spencer pushed off the wall, pointing towards his bedroom. Your head reeling from the praise as you walked. Spencers hand connecting with your ass as you slowly walked, earning a nice yelp from you.

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