Confessions and Cuddles

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Smut warning: Choking, slight degradation, praise (lots of it)

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Smut warning: Choking, slight degradation, praise (lots of it)

Did I just fucking say that

Spencers eyes went wide as he digested what the fuck you just accidentally admitted to him.

"Spence. I- I" You stumbled over your words. You meant it whole heartedly, but you couldn't control the anxiety that had a vice grip on your throat.

Spencer wasn't saying anything. It was like he was frozen, unable to speak. "Spencer? Spencer say something." His hands fell from their place on your face, dropping to his side then rubbing his face.


"Don't. Just- just give me a fucking second."

He turned his back to you. You looked down at your half naked body, suddenly feeling self conscious. You pulled your pajamas back on, wrapping your arms around yourself. You felt tears pricking the back of your eyes, your chest feeling heavy.

Spencer turned back around, eyeing your figure which was folding in on itself under his intense stare. "You cant fall for me, Fluff. That's not how this is supposed to go."

You stared at him in complete shock. "No fucking shit Spencer. Do you think I wanted to fall for you?" Your anxiety turning to anger. "I didn't fucking lay in bed at night and say 'ya know whats a fantastic idea? Falling for my fucking Dom?' No Spencer I didn't." Tears now falling.

Spencers intense glare softening as your tears fell. He stepped towards you, but you took a hesitant step back. Spencer looked at you, tilting his head to the side.

You debated on telling him what you heard that night while you held him. "You cant fucking tell me you don't feel the same way." Your voice smaller than you intended.

Spencer just stared at you. He ran his hands through his hair, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Tell me you don't have feelings for me Spencer. I fucking dare you." Your anger bubbling through you. You knew he loved you, he indirectly told you.

Why wasn't he fucking saying anything. "That's what I thought." You crossed your arms, shifting your weight to your other foot.

"This isn't supposed to happen."

"Ya I know. You already said that."

Spencers eyes went dark, anger coursing through him, "Why the fuck would you decide to catch feelings Y/n? Are you fucking stupid."

"I- what did you just fucking say?" You scoffed. "I'm not fucking doing this." You turned around walking into his room. Spencers heavy steps coming behind you.

"Fluff wait. I didn't mean that. I-"

You whipped around, pointing a finger in his face, "No Spencer. You are not allowed to be angry at me for how I fucking feel. I didn't mean to catch feelings. But I did." The tears returning as you continued, "I'm sorry that makes things inconvenient for you, but I will not stand here and let you insult me" 

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