Vibrators and Rossis

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"Babe! What color are you wearing?" You shouted from your closet

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"Babe! What color are you wearing?" You shouted from your closet. It'd been three weeks since the lovely events of LA and tonight was dinner at Rossi's, aka dress nice but not overly nice, 'it's not a wedding' he would say.

"Navy and white." Spencer called. He had showed up in sweatpants and an old CalTech shirt, his clothes in a bag around his arm. Tonight, was going to be eventful as you and Spencer were planning on revealing the details of your relationship to the team. Luke had been gossiping after the events the occurred after you'd gotten "shot" and how Spencer carried you away from the scene. He even tried to task Garcia into snooping.

You sifted through your closet, pulling out dresses you thought you liked, only to put them back. You groaned, growing frustrated at your lack of clothing. You jumped hearing a small chuckle beside you.

"Ah! Jesus Spencer! Warn me that you're standing there." You sighed as you tried to steady your beating heart.

Spencer pushed away from the door frame, crossing to you. He wrapped you up in a hug, placing his chin on top of your hair. You breathed in his scent, committing it to memory. His eyes scanned your clothes.

"What about this one?" Spencer pulled away, moving to the back of your closet and pulling down a navy pinstriped dress. It still had the tags on it and fuck was it expensive. You'd seen Emily Ratajkowski wearing it and just had to buy it. Spencer looked at the tag, his eyes growing wide.

 Spencer looked at the tag, his eyes growing wide

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"Holy fuck. You really paid a thousand dollars for a dress?" He looked shocked, which he shouldn't considering the fucking watch on his wrist.

You giggled pulling the dress from his hands. "I had a little left over from your watch so I bought the dress. It's cute!"

You shrugged off the towel you were previously wearing, walking to your under garments bucket.

"Wait. I have a surprise for you." Spencers smirk was filled with mischief and you knew what was coming next. "Stay here." He exited your closet and you heard him sifting through his overnight bag. Soon he came back holding a remote controlled vibrator. Your eyes widened at him, looking between the vibrator and him.

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