Sadists and Warnings

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TW: Mentions of a case I literally made up

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TW: Mentions of a case I literally made up.

"Honestly, these cases are getting out of control. It's like these killers are trying to out do each other." Alvez said going through the case file. You flipped through the pictures in front of you. Two woman sex workers completely mutilated and sliced open from neck to their core, it made your stomach turn, something that doesn't happen a lot anymore.

"Everyone is looking for their 15 minuets of fame." You shuttered looking to Luke. "I get it but like make a viral Tiktok or something. Don't murder." He shot back. The room let out a small laugh at his statement. "What's tiktok?" Of course clueless Spencer not knowing what the app was. Penelope looked at him, eyes wide, "its an app technophobe. I think you'd do well on it. You could be a sway boy." She wiggled her eyebrows at him.

"Oh lord Garcia do not ever compare him to one of those meatheads." You rolled your eyes. Spencer just looked extremely confused about the conversation going on around him, looking back to his paper file. "It is clear that this Unsub crosses racial lines and is accelerating so wheels up in 20." Emily muttered, dismissing everyone from the round table room.

"Do I want to know what a sway boy is?" Spencer muttered in your ear as you both stood, gathering your things. You turned to him shaking your head, "no you don't but I'm gonna show you anyway." You shot him a toothy smile before walking away, feeling his eyes on you as you sashayed away.


"I do not look like that. No way." Spencer gasped after you showed him the Tito's Garcia referenced earlier. Tara laughed from the coffee pot, pouring her and you a cup. You shot her a smile as a thank you.

"Okay guys enough, lets go over victimology." Emily said. "Both of these woman were sex workers. Our first victim, Jessica Lee was an Escort for a company called "Extra" where as our second victim, Tabitha Frankor, was a prostitute." Emily started.

You took a sip of coffee, again flipping through the information in the file. "But Jessica was white and Tabitha was black." You looked up at the team. "But they both have the same cuts from their neck to their sex organs." You looked at Spencer as he spoke, "But he didn't take any organs which he could've done." His face puzzled

You stood and paced the small area. "What's your thought y/l/n?" Simmons asked, noticing your intense thinking. "What is he's not having sex with them through the laceration he's making on them?"

An audible groan came from around the room. Tara looked like she was going to throw up. "Now that's some kinky shit." Alvez had a look of disgust.

"When we land y/n and Spence go to the ME office. Alvez and JJ go to the first crime scene. Dave and Tara go to the newest crime scene. Simmons you're with me while we set up and talk to the families."

- - - - -

You and Spencer took one of the government issues SUVs to the MEs office. Spencer picked at his thumb as he drove. "Don't do that. You're gonna give yourself a fucking infection." You swatted his hand, forcing him to stop.

"I'm not gonna get an infection. It's a fucking habit. You know this." He glanced at you for a moment before turning his attention to the road. You crossed your arms over your chest, "habits were made to be broken."

Spencer laughed beside you, raising his brows at you, "so does this mean I'll break your habit of being a brat?" You fake gasped, pretending to be offended, "me? A brat? Never." Spencer rolled his eyes, smiling at your statement. "You're always a brat." He muttered resting his hand on your thigh.

You looked at his hand, your stomach doing flips. "And what are you going to do about it?" You knew teasing him was going to get you punished but here you were, doing it anyway.

Spencer turned to you, a fire in his eyes. "That's for me to know, and you to find out." You giggled and unbuckled your seat belt. "Y/n what are you doing? Put your seatbelt on." Spencer was stern.

You leaned over the center console, resting a hand on his thigh, the other on the console to hold you up. "But this is so much more fun." You leaned in and kissed his neck, biting the skin just under his ear. Your hand moving up his thigh.

"Y/N s-stop. I'm driving." His free hand grabbing the wrist of your traveling hand. You tried to pull out of his grasp, but he held tight. You sat back in your seat folding your hands across your chest, pouting gently, "you're no fun." You jetted out your bottom lip. "We're literally at work." You rolled your eyes. "Yeah so? No ones around."

Spencer gave you a warning look, "what have I told you about rolling your eyes?" His hand gripped the steering wheel tighter. "I cant remember but we're at work, remember" you mocked. Spencer grabbed your face in his hand, forcing you to face him.

He stopped at the red light, looking into your eyes, "behave princess. Stop being a fucking brat." You shot him a sly smile as you removed you face from his hand. "No." was all you said, Spencers knuckles turning white. You knew exactly what you were doing.

"You're fucking in for it when we get back to the hotel. But for now," Spencer threw the car in park, "We're here. So I'll say it again: behave and stop being a fucking little brat." His dominate voice going straight to your core. "Yes sir." You giggled trying not to sound affected by him.

Spencer hopped out of the car, slightly adjusting himself before he opened your door. You and Spencer walked side by side into the cold ME office. "Hi my name is agent y/l/n and this is Dr. Reid we're with the FBI." You both flashed your credentials at the examiner who nodded before speaking. "It looks like all organs are accounted for but we did find some, unusual, substances in between the slits made by whoever did this." Her face full of disgust.

You knew exactly where this was going, but you asked the dreaded question, "did he have sex with them from the incision he made." You almost threw up as the words left your mouth. Spencer shot you a look. The ME just nodded.


"Wait wait wait. He's cutting these woman open and-" You stuck your hand in Lukes face. "Don't fucking finish that sentence. It's not one I ever wanna hear again." You moved to sit in the seat next to Spencer as the team took in the information you just gave them.

"Well that's different. But it's clear we're looking for a sexual sadist." Emily wiped her hands down her face. Tara stood there with her mouth wide open. "These mother fuckers."

"Honestly I think we need to call it a day." Prentiss looked at the clock. "But its only 6pm." Spencer pointed out. Everyone shot him a look. If they could kill, Spencer would be long fucking gone.

You just looked at him and smiled, rolling your eyes. Spencer gripped your thigh as a warning. Everyone stood and turned to leave the room, leaving you and Spencer alone. "When we get to the hotel I want you stripped and waiting. Do you understand me?" His voice low as to not be heard.

You glanced at him, a mischievous smile on your lips. "And if I don't? Then what sir?" Your voice just as low as his. Spencers eyes turned dark. Fire blazing in them, "don't fucking test me. You're in enough fuckin trouble." You giggled at his dominance. You gathered your materials in your hands before turning and walking away, feeling Spencers eyes on you.

You whirled around and shot him a flirty wink before turning back and hopping into one of the SUVs.

This is going to be fun. 

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