Good Girls and Dirty Actions

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Smut Warning: Praise, degradation, daddy kink, hair pulling, slapping, biting, orgasm delay/denial

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Smut Warning: Praise, degradation, daddy kink, hair pulling, slapping, biting, orgasm delay/denial. Has nothing to do with the story line. I clearly was feeling the spice....

"Are you fucking insane. Someone could've seen you."

You rolled your eyes, "but they didn't."

Spencers hand came down lightly on your face, a low moan coming from your throat. "I've let you get away with a lot today. Clearly, too much. Do I need to teach you respect, little girl?" His pupils taking up the entirety of his eyes.

"Whatever you want, daddy." You rocked on your heels, your hand moving to undo the buttons of his shirt.

Spencer grabbed you by your neck, thumb running over your pulse point. He pulled you from the door, pushing you back till the backs of your knees hit the bed. He gently pushed you down so you were sitting on the bed, spencers hand never leaving your neck.

"First, you throw a little temper tantrum about some bitch from 10 years ago." Spencer's grip around your throat tightened. You let out a small squeak at the sensation. "Then, I tell you tu cut the shit and you don't." Spencer pushed you back on the bed, crawling over your body, his lips hovering over yours. "Finally, you decide to tease me with your pretty little pictures, like a dirty little slut."

You felt yourself growing wetter and wetter as he spoke. His tone as dark as his eyes.

"Oh come on. Don't pretend you didn't like it. You're here aren't you." You shot at him.

Spencer released you neck, chuckling at you. Spencers fingers moved to unbutton his shirt, pushing it off of his shoulders. Next his hand undid his belt, pulling it from its loops. Spencer put it beside you, dipping his face down, attaching his lips to your neck. His hand reached around your back, undoing your bra. You pulled it off, throwing it to the side.

Spencer sat back on his heels, picking up his belt and demanding, "hands above your head now."

You complied, giggling as he fastened the belt around your wrists, pulling it tight. "too tight?" You pulled slightly before telling him it was fine.

"You wont be giggling once I'm done with you." Spencer kissed down your neck, leaving hickeys in his wake.

Spencer kissed down your chest, licking a stripe between your breast. His left hand cupped your breast, his fingers pinching your nipple. You arched your back into his touch, moaning as he rolled it between his fingers. He smiled as his mouth connected with your neglected nipple, his teeth grazing it.

"Fuck, Spence." You whined as he sucked and nipped at your skin.

He then swapped his hand and his mouth. The sensation igniting every single nerve in your body. Once he had you withering under him, he bit the skin above your nipple, earning a low hiss from you, his tongue soothing the bitten skin.

You {Spencer Reid x Reader 18+} || ✔️Where stories live. Discover now