You and Four Thousand Photos

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A frantic Spencer plus a sports car is not a good mix

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A frantic Spencer plus a sports car is not a good mix. Spencer sped to Quantico, weaving in and out of cars like a fucking mad man.

"Spence, you need to chill or we're going to die before we even know if there's an emergency."

Spencer scoffed, annoyance laced in his voice, "of course there's an emergency. Emily isn't frantic. She's never been frantic. We've been in some of the most dangerous situations ever and shes never been frantic." His hands waving in emphasis.

Spencer whipped into a spot at headquarters, throwing the car in neutral and pulling the E brake so fucking hard, you were sure he broke something. You took a breath, hopping out of the car and running to catch up with papa long legs.

"Spence you need to relax. Seriously, you cant go up there like this." You grabbed his hand, tugging for him to slow down and just breath for a second. Spencer whipped around, ripping his arm out of your grasp. "You're going to give yourself a heart attack." You rubbed his arm, trying desperately to get him to relax even slightly. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and leaned into your touch once your hands made their way to his face.

"I'm sorry. Its just Emily isn't like this and we we're supposed to have two days off because of that last case." He huffed

"I know. But we aren't going to be any good if we panic. Yes, Emily was not herself but there could be a good explanation." You watched him relax at your words. You pressed the button to call for the elevator while you and Spencer stood there in silence, Spencer's eyes shut as he tried to focus on his breathing.

Once the elevator was there, Spencer took your hand, leading you inside and pressing for the 6th floor. BAU. Again, silence was how you and him stayed, trying to stay calm for the news you both would be receiving. The metal doors opened, you went first, opening the glass doors.

There was Emily in the middle of the bullpen talking with the rest of the team. Simmons was the first one to notice the two of you, alerting everyone else to your arrivals. Emily turned, worry canvasing her face.

"Round table room. Now." Was all she said before leading everyone. You could feel Spencer tense up at her words, but you took his hand, squeezing it a few times as you pulled him towards the room. You closed the door behind you, taking a seat next to Spencer and JJ. No one spoke, the room eerily quiet.

Emily and Garcia were standing at the front. You folded your hands over the table waiting for someone, anyone to speak.

"Soo why are we here?" You stated when no one spoke.

Garcia looked at Emily who cleared her throat before nodding to Garcia. She hit the remote. Up popped a picture of you and Spencer hand and hand, with your head thrown back, clearly laughing. You stiffened, eyes falling on Spencer who looked like he was going to pass out.

"Garcia got an email this morning with a file containing about a thousand photos of you and Spencer." Emily looked between you two.

"I want you both to know I didn't go through all of them but some were insanely personal." Garcia clicked her remote again and up popped a picture of you and Spencer, in Spencers bed. You were straddling him, half naked, Spencer's hands on your body. Spencer grabbed your hand, gripping you with a crushing force. You turned to him, his face so fucking red, anger coating his expression.

"Get those off the screen." Spencer muttered, frustrated.

Garcia looked at Emily before turning back to Spencer.

"Now Garcia." He slammed his fist on the table startling everyone in the room. Spencer never lost it, but clearly that photo made him lose it.


Garcia clicked off the remote. The picture leaving the screen.

Spencer let go of you, running his hands over his face and through his hair, tugging on the root of his hair.

"Exactly how many fucking pictures are there?" He hissed, not lifting his head.

"About 4 thousand." That caught his attention.

"Four thousand? Are they time stamped?" You asked while Spencer's mouth hung open.

"They range from late August to last week." Emily muttered, eyes falling on the floor.

You looked at Spencer trying to wrap your head around all of this information. Four thousand photos in under two months. That's almost 24 hours a day of being watched. You shivered at the thought. The thought of being followed or being photographed.

"I wanna see them." You said without thinking.

"Y/N that's not-" Emily began before you interrupted her

"I said I want to see them. All of them. Now." You were stern. As stern as you've ever been with the team.

"I'll get them. Follow me." Garcia put the remote down before she was stopped by Emily.

"Before you go, do either of you remember anyone following or seeing anything out of the ordinary?"

You wracked your brain, trying to remember anything out of the ordinary but you fell short. You looked at Spencer, who was clearly combing his eidetic memory of the past few months. You saw in his face that he was coming up short.

"Nothing. What the fuck. I'm more vigilant than this." Reid sighed. You could physically feel his frustration rolling off of him.

You rubbed his arm like you did earlier. Trying so hard to calm him down but it wasn't working.

"We're get to the bottom of this." Emily dismissed you, Reid and Garcia letting you go examine the pictures.

You followed Garcia to her cave, Spencers hands entangled with yours. Garcia set you up, "I'm leaving you guys to do this together, but I don't need to see your intimate details. Come find me when you're done."

You sat down, Spencer sitting beside you.

"You ready?" You asked turning to Spencer.

"Not even a little bit." 

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