Midnight Interruptions and Birthday Celebrations

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Your POV:

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Your POV:

You awoke to Spencers phone ringing very loudly through the room. You groaned loudly as he unwrapped himself from you, grabbing his phone from the wooden dresser. "This is Dr. Spencer Reid." His voice full of sleep. You rolled over to watch him, his head on the pillow as he rubbed his eyes with one hand, the other holding the phone, the blankets sitting just below his toned chest.

"Yeah. Okay. No I'll call her. Thanks Emily. Like an hour? Shes not an easy one to get up, she went to bed late cuz we went to dinner. GOODBYE EMILY." He hung up the phone, tossing it to his side, blowing a curl out of his face. "A case?" You sleepily questioned. "Mhm. But we have time." And with that he rolled over, wrapping an arm over your chest, his stubble tickling your neck. "Oh no you don't. We have a case to solve! Let's go mister." Spencer groaned like a child.

"But you're so warm and soft and snuggly and beautiful and perfect." Leaving a kiss on you neck after each word. "Yes but people are being murdered so lets go. Shower with me?" You kissed his forehead as you flung the blankets off of the two of you, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed. "Fuck you. Too cold." Spencer pulled the blankets back on him, smirking over at you. "Well we have time but you wont get your lazy ass up and in the shower with me." You entangled your hands behind your back, skipping into the bathroom.

You heard the patter of feet running behind you, "shower sex?" He giggled wrapping his arms around you. "Shower sex." You muttered, turning in his arms and planting kisses on his collar bones.


"Okay so 3 high profile men have been found dead inside their hotel rooms in Vegas." Garcia started looking at the yawning team. "All are married and claimed they were away for business. Only one is local." Garcia brought up the horrible crime scene photos. "Wheels up in 30." Emily said, "we'll go over everything on the plane."

"WAIT" Penelope shouted as everyone stood, "its Spencers birthday." She shot him a toothy smile, while he groaned and rolled his beautiful brown eyes at her. "Garcia don't. You guys know I hate celebrating." Penelope grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bullpen. "I don't care. You are our resident boy genius and we love you so we're celebrating."

You giggled at Garcias excitement. You knew about Spencers birthday but also knew he hated celebrating. However, that didn't mean you didn't have a few gifts up your sleeves (or in your purse). Penelope stopped at Spencers desk motioning to the cake that somehow got there without anyone noticing.

"Happy birthday my sweet angel muffin. We love you and you deserve the world." She said hugging Spencer tight. He was 39, a whole ass decade older than you. You leaned in close to his ear, "you're a whole decade older than me. Fucking old man." Spencer rolled his eyes giggling, looking around as Penelope was gathering everyone, as he said, "I didn't hear you complaining last night." Your jaw dropped as you hit his arm playfully.

"Okay okay ready 1,2,3" Penelope led everyone is a horribly off key rendition of 'happy birthday.' Spencer smiling wildly at his family. The sight made your heart swell in your chest. He deserved this, more than anyone else. "Okay make a wish and blow out the candles." You held the cake at his eye level as he thought for a second. Spencer blew out his candles with a smile as you set the cake down, picking up the knife to cut it.

You handed the chocolate cake with sprinkles slice to Spencer, which he took gratefully, before handing slices out to everyone else. "Breakfast of champions" Luke muttered with a mouth full of cake. You giggled. "Lets walk and eat please. To the plane." Emily muttered grabbing all of her stuff, leading the way.

Everyone went to their desks to collect their stuff. You grabbed your purse and walked over to Spencer. "So. Because its your birthday and your my best friend, I got you a little something." You reached into your purse and pulled out a wrapped box, handing it to him. "You didn't have to get me anything, y/n. Seriously." You pushed it into his hands, eyebrows raised. "I don't give a shit. Take it." He reluctantly took it, opening it slowly. Your heart was giddy, hoping he liked what you got him.

Spencer opened the box, pulling out the other wrapped gift box first. Inside was a brand new smart phone. "Yours is literally ancient and I think its time we bring you to the 21st century." He smiled shaking his head, "I don't need a new phone." You leaned against his desk, lowering your voice, "but then we can have facetime sex." His face turned a deep read as he digested what the fuck you just said. "That's a thing?" You nodded, "alex cooper does it so I think we should."

He knew who that was, you made the entire team listen to Call Her Daddy once on the plane. "Oh well if Miss. Cooper does it then by all means." He giggled.

"Open the next little box." You pointed. Spencer picked it up and shook it, the contents rattling inside.

"Don't fucking shake it!" you yelled, stupid fucking genius.

Spencer peeled the paper back, revealing a black velvet box. He looked up at you as you motioned for him to open it. He pulled open the top, his eyes wide. "Y/N I cannot accept this. That's. No. A Rolex? No." He tried pushing the box back into your hands but you refused.

"I literally have been saving all fucking year for this so you aren't giving it back. You buy me exquisite gifts for my birthday. The least I could do was return the favor. Put it on!" The watch was silver and rested on a link band like his old one. You gave it a blue face. Spencer turned it over in his hands, admiring the piece. On the back of the watch he noticed the small engraving which read, "happy birthday. You deserve the world and more" followed by your initials.

Spencer looked up at you, tears on his waterline as he slipped it on. "I love it Fluff. I appreciate this so fucking much." He gave you a giant hug, squeezing you.

"You aren't done there's one more." You pushed off of him, motioning to the tissue paper that had still yet to be uncovered. Spencer moved his thin digits to tear open the paper. Inside was an outfit. A pair of black skinny jeans, a white regular shirt, and a pair of nikes. "You told me once you wanted to change up your style a little so here we are."

Spencer was in shock, rightfully so. "This is all too much Fluff. I don't know what I did to deserve a friend like you." His voice slightly cracking.

He turned back to you, wrapping you in a giant hug. You melted into his chest, breathing him in. "Alright, alright whats with the PDA." Luke yelled from across the room.

"Come see what I got him for his birthday." You waved everyone over. Spencer held out his wrist, proudly displaying the watch. "How are you not on your knees with a diamond ring." Tara muttered. You laughed loudly at her remark.

Yeah okay Spencer on one knee? Never.

"Damn, Y/N wanna go on a date?" Luke said jokingly as he touched Spencers watch. Spencer stiffened slightly at his words. Shooting you a look. "Never in a million years Luke." You said, playing with the necklace Spencer gave you, a silent way of easing his jealously.

"Hello! Plane! Now! Murderers!" Emily yelled from her office, breaking up the party.

You all grabbed your bags making your way to the plane, your arm wrapped through Spencers as he carried your bags.

I don't think this man could get anymore perfect. 

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