Jealousy and Hollywood

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RECAP: Reader wakes up in the hospital, lucky to be alive after a undercover mission goes wrong

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RECAP: Reader wakes up in the hospital, lucky to be alive after a undercover mission goes wrong. Spencer blames himself for not pushing harder on keeping you out of harms way. Spencer is a sweetie and lets you stay with him while you recover. Life is just perfection.

Today was your first day back at work since the accident. You were excited to get back to "crime fighting" as Garcia called it. While working from home was nice, you missed the team more than you'd like to admit. To them at least. Emily had forced you to take a week off to recover. You tried to argue, but Emily Prentiss is ever so persuasive.

In that week, you spent all your time at Spencers apartment. It was pure bliss being around him all the time. The team had one case which lasted no more than 48 hours. Sleeping alone was weird, but he called and texted constantly, making your heart swoon. And when he was home it was constant cuddles, movies, baking – mostly by you because Spencer Reid burns everything – and happiness.

You stood in front of the mirror Spencer hung for you in his room, running your hands over your black leather skirt, and appreciating the red long sleeved turtleneck you packed. It did a good job covering up Spencers ever so lovely love bites on your neck.

"Spence? Baby? Are you almost ready because we have to leave in 5 minuets?" You reached into your bag, pulling out your black suede booties, slipping them on.

"Tie my tie for me? It always looks better when you do it." Spencer asked as he walked out from the bathroom. This had become a regular thing, he claims it was because you tied it better, but you both knew who the real knot master was, he showed you almost every night.

You crossed the room to him, skillfully tying his tie. You smoothed it down, "there. Handsome as ever." You stood on your tiptoes, kissing his lips softly.

"You look beautiful today, Fluff. I mean you always look beautiful but I don't know, I just like you in skirts. A lot." He smiled. You just blushed, looking at your feet. Spencer Reid made you nervous, always. Even after all this time, there was just something about him.

"Come on. We cant be late." Spencer held out his hand as he spoke. You took it, interlacing your fingers with his, throwing your purse on your shoulder and tossing him the keys.


You clipped your badge to your shirt after scanning it to get into the FBI building, hand in hand with Spencer. You're stomach fluttering at the sight of your interlocked fingers. You pressed the button for the elevator, stepping inside once it arrived. You and Spencer were alone. Once those doors shut, Spencers mouth was on yours with a bruising force.

Good thing I didn't wear lipstick today.

You tangled your fingers into his hair, pulling slightly at the roots. You moaned into the kiss, which he took as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. Spencer pulled back; eyes locked on yours. You let out an unintentional giggle as you pulled him back down to you, placing a final peck on his lips. The elevator dinged for the sixth floor, which held the elite BAU.

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