Hollywood Boulevard and Bottle Blondes

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Tw: mentions of a case, suicide, mental illness, suicide by cop

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Tw: mentions of a case, suicide, mental illness, suicide by cop.

In typical BAU fashion, you awoke the next morning to your phone ringing loudly throughout the room. You groaned, untangling yourself from your boyfriend to grab your phone, looking at who it was. The name lighting up the screen was Emily. You also noticed it was 2 am. Why.

"Hey Em, what's up?" You laid back in bed, on your back, one hand rubbing your eyes. Spencer wrapped his arms around you stomach, nuzzling himself in your neck. You moved your hand from your face, tangling them in Spencer's hair, scratching his scalp.

"We have another body. Get Spencer and get down here ASAP." Emily hung up the phone without saying another word.

You looked down at Spencer, "there's been another body. Emily wants us down there ASAP." You swung out of bed, starting the shower. While the shower was heating up, you dug through your bag, gathering together a pair of plain black jeans, and a black v-neck shirt.

"Are you coming?" You shouted to Spencer over your shoulder. Spencer hopped out of bed, grabbing clothes and walking into the bathroom. He pulled the curtain back, stepping in behind you. Spence wrapped himself around you, kissing the top of your head.

"How are you feeling this morning?" He cooed. Running his hands up and down your arms.

"Sore but I'm fine. My ass is the sorest." You laughed turning yourself around, to face Spencer. He smiled at you, picking up the shampoo, and squeezing it into his hand.

"Turn around." You did as he said. His hands were in your hair, lathering the shampoo. "You ass is bruised and fuck, does it look good." The arousal present in his voice.

"We don't have time, like for real this time, Spence." Spencers hands scrubbed your head, massaging your head.

"Rinse." You walked back into the stream, washing out the soap from your hair. "We may not have time now, but we will later and you best your bruised bottom, I'll be ruining you." His voice deep and low.

You stepped out of the water stream while Spencer squeezed conditioner in the palm of his hand, placing it at the ends of your hair, and letting it sit.

"Bend down. Fuckin bean pole I cant reach ya!" You joked with a laugh. Spencer laughed and bent down, letting you rub shampoo through his curly locks. Following after with conditioner once he rinsed.

"I do not look like a bean pole. That is incredibly rude." Spencer pretended to be offended while you both washed each other's bodies. After rinsing bodies and hair, you turned off the water, stepping out and grabbing three towels. Two for you and one for Spencer.

Once dried Spencer moved to change in the room, leaving you alone to get ready. You sat blow drying your hair, deep in thought about this case. It was making you insane and honestly, you just wanted to get home to your own – or Spencer's – bed. Running your fingers through your hair, you went back over the evidence and facts about this case.

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