Unsubs and Coyote Ugly

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A/N I love this scene of this movie and this song so enjoy my rendition. Also I love this movie clearly please forgive me ❤️❤️ HERES THE SCENE FOR REFERENCE 

The drive to the bar was tense. Spencer held your hand the entire time, but the feelings radiating off of him were intense. To you, it felt like a mix of fear and anxiety, his eyes glassed over. Spencer pulled up in the alley way by the bar, his hand squeezing yours before letting go. You turned and looked at him, his eyes in his lap, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

"Spence?" You tried. When he didn't raise his eyes you tried again, "Spencer look at me." But he didn't. He just shook his head.

"Spencer Walter Reid look at me right now." You hit your fist on the center console which got his attention. Spencer looked at you, his eyes filled with tears that were threatening to spill over. You took a deep breath, leaning over and placing a kiss on his lips. He returned the kiss, sadness pouring into it.

"It's going to be okay. You'll be right at the bar it'll be okay." You put your hands on his face, thumbs rubbing his skin. Spencer just nodded, words failing him. You placed another kiss on his lips.

Spencer placed his hand over yours, leaning into the combined touch, "I love you" was all he could say.

You smiled, "I love you too, Spence. Now lets catch this fucker."

You removed your hands, turning to get out of car. Spencer was instructed to wait 5 minutes after you got out to follow you inside. He is to sit at the bar and just observe. You hopped out of the car, turning back to the man of your dreams. "I'll see you inside." Spencer nodded, clearly lost in thought. You closed the door and strutted down the side walk and inside the bar.

Your eyes grew wide at the amount of people shoved inside the bar. "I thought we had limited capacity?" You said to seemingly no one, but in reality, it was to the team.

Emily was the first to answer, "we tried but it's New York. Just look for a subdued male in his late 40s. You've got this." You took a deep breath, scanning the bar. Sherriff Blockwell sitting with Emily, Tara and JJ in the crowd, Rossi, Reid and Alvez at the bar, and Matt covering the one back exit with a few of the local officers. The entire bar was bugged, so you felt half comfortable.

You made your way over to the bar, practically climbing over fucking bodies to get there. You were met by Lil, the owner, who encouraged you to climb over the bar so she could talk to you.

"Hi I'm SSA Y/N Y/L/N! Nice to meet you!" You shouted over the sound of the bodies in the room.

"Lil! Nice to meet you. A few things, we don't serve water, we dance on the bar, and when someone buys you a shot, you take it and then bring a beer bottle to your lips and spit it into the bottle. Just make sure you don't serve it to anyone. Also have some fun! We don't bite."

You nodded, trying to commit her words to memory. Shots would be needed for you to crawl around on the bar.

"Also I wont have you serve anyone unless I open it and have you hand it to them." Her smile was as bright as the sun. Infectious.

"Sounds great. But I need a shot to get myself going. Is that cool?"

Lil picked up a shot glass, pouring you a double of patron. You held it up before hitting it on the bar and throwing it back, your face contorting at the harsh fluid. Putting the glass into the sink, you thanked her. She smiled, patting your back. You scanned the bar, eyes landing on Spencer and Alvez, sipping their drinks and 'chatting' although still focused. Rossi on the other hand was surrounded by beautiful woman, him ordering rounds for all of them. You giggled as you watched the encounter. Suddenly a little blonde bopped over to you, extending a hand, "Hi I'm Cami! It's nice to meet you! Come dance with me."

She was one of the bartenders, a slight Russian accent on her. You smiled, taking her hand as "Cowboy" By Kid Rock comes blaring through the speakers. You hopped up on the bar, a little scared – okay a lot scared. You followed Cami, swaying your hips to the beat. Cami bent down and picked up a pitcher of beer, taking a sip before dumping it on the crowd in front of her. Missing Luke and Spencer. You giggled as the men in front cheered her on.

Cami held onto your forearm, picking up the pitcher that is now filled with water, splashing it on you, soaking you from head to toe. You laughed loudly at the sensation, thrill rising in your chest. A few other bartenders followed suit, pouring water on them, you, the crowd, and each other, all while dancing provocatively to the music.

You danced around the bar top, dropping down in front of Spencer and Luke. You reached out to Spencer, pulling him towards you by his shirt, a smile playing on your lips. His eyes were blown out as he watched you. You pulled him so close you could've kissed him. His mouth was agape, his pupils filling the brown of his eyes, it was like he was in a trance.

You pulled him closer, his eyes closing like you were going to kiss him, instead you licked from his chin to his nose, pushing him away and walking back to the girls. You looked back over your shoulder at him, rage filling his eyes, Luke in fucking shock. The entire fucking team just saw that but oh well. It was friendly and fun.

You slid down the bar, water splashing. You went to stand back up when you saw him, a man in his late 40s trying hard to not be noticed. He was staring at you, actually he was gawking at your soaked frame. He creeped you out and you knew it was your unsub. He fit the description given by the friends of our victims. You shot a look to Spencer, who by the way was still trying to get over his shock. Luke got it and stood. You hopped down from the bar, walking by the man who promptly stood and followed you.

You walked to the bathrooms, thinking Luke and the team had him. You turned around and came face to face with the unsub. You saw his face before everything went black.

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