Spencers Wallet and A Frantic Emily

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Uninterrupted sleep is amazing

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Uninterrupted sleep is amazing. Waking up in your own accord is even better. It was rare you ever got to sleep in past 6 am. So, imagine the shock when you opened your eyes to see it was 11 am. But besides the time, you were also surprised to be alone is bed. Spencer's bed. You know, where Spencer should be.

You sat up, the blankets falling in your lap, and stretched that beautiful morning stretch before carefully getting out of bed. The memories of the night prior flooding back thanks to the ache that hit you once both your feet were on the floor. You winced slightly as you started forward, picking up Spencer's discarded button up that was still on the floor from last night, and pulling it on to cover your naked frame.

"Spence?" You called to him but getting no answer. You walked into his living room, and there was no Spencer anywhere. You went into his kitchen and found a little post it note with his tell-tale chicken scratch on it which read

I had to teach this morning and couldn't stand to wake you up. Shower up and get dressed. I brought your bag in before I left. I love you. See you when I get home. – Spence

You smiled at his little note. You forgot it was Saturday. Poor boy never gets any rest. You looked over by the door and say your over night bag, picking it up and bringing it back to his room. You grabbed a pair of black jeans, socks, and under garments and decided to steal one of Spencer's shirt. You trudged into his closet and searched through his surprising collection of sweatshirts. You stopped on of his old FBI sweatshirts, one that had his last name on the back, and plucked it off the hanger, skipping into the bathroom and starting the shower.

You turned on some music. You kept a speaker with you in your bag because you never know, so you hooked up your phone, blasting music while you showered. Once your world tour was over, you turned off the water and stepped out, wrapping a towel around you. You dried off and got dressed, running the towel through your hair to dry it off. You got ready, straightening your hair and doing some light makeup, when you heard a familiar voice calling from the living room, "baby? Im home."

You booked it to the front door, attacking Spencer before he even realized what was happening.

"Well, someones in a great mood. We should let you sleep in more often." He giggled, kissing your lips as he kicked off his shoes.

"Yeah. Let me know how the bureau takes that one." You laughed

Spencer held you at an arms length, admiring your outfit. "Is that my sweatshirt? Is nothing safe from the pretty little grasp of yours?"

You turned around walking to his barstools and took a seat, crossing your legs before you spoke, "Mmmm. Nope." You said popping the p.

"And it's the one with my last name on it? I see you." He squinted at you before walking past you and into his bedroom. You followed behind him, taking a seat on the bed.

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