Her but without him

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Talks of violent acts, descriptions of a made up crime scene

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Talks of violent acts, descriptions of a made up crime scene

"Hello?" The operator spoke, breaking you from your trance.

Your world felt like it stopped. It was silent. Too silent.

"My name is SSA Y/N Y/L/N. I work for the Behavioral Analysis of the FBI badge number 0806997A. I think someone broke into my boyfriends apartment, 937 Hoover Street, Apartment 23. His name is SSA Dr. Spencer Reid. He works for the BAU as well. Please hurry." You whispered. You heard footsteps coming from the other side of the door. You pushed yourself farther into the closet, trying to make yourself as small as possible. The person on the other side of the door was saying something but you couldn't heat them clearly.

"Stop it. Take whatever you want just leave me."

Spencer. He was still alive.

You unlocked his phone, the photo of the both of you from the day at the hotel starring back at you. You felt a whine slip up your throat, but you swallowed it. You called Emily, and she answered.

Thank whoever.


"Emily." You whispered. She sounded like she just woke up. "Somethings wrong. Help. 911 on their way. Help. Spencer. Stalker."

And you hung up. It was once again silent. An eerie feeling washing over you. You wanted to crawl out of your hiding spot, but you were terrified. Frozen with fear. You closed your eyes trying to steady your breathing.

"Y/N? FUCK. Y/N?" It was Luke.

"In here! In here!" You yelled. It was rule #1 to not do that, but it was Luke. You heard footsteps, then the door was being opened. Your heart pounded hoping to god you didn't out yourself just to die. But, there stood Luke and Matt, adorning their FBI vest. Emily, JJ, Tara, Rossi and another man following behind them.

"Morgan?" You said slightly confused. Then it hit you, "M-Morgan? W-where's Spence?" Tears streamed down your face. Luke helped you up.

"You need to put shoes on. Too much glass." Was all he said. You grabbed your uggs from the closet, as well as a pair of shorts, pulling them on before following the team to the room.

It was a mess. Glass all over the floor, the posts of the bed full of notches, and the silk ropes still tied. You looked around taking it in. "He's gone isn't he?" Everyones eyes hit the floor.

"ISNT HE?" You yelled. Panic set in. This had to be a fucking dream. This wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn'thappening. You wanted to cry, but you couldn't. There wasn't time for that. You looked around at your solemn team. Then you saw it, the knife he'd used on you, opened and bloody.

"We'll find him, kid." Morgan spoke. But you didn't hear him.

"We need evidence bags. Now. This isn't my blood. It was clean." You pointed.

"I think we need to just process this first, y/n." Emily tried, but you shrugged her off.

"No time. Spencers missing. We have to find him." Your heart raced harder than it had not even an hour earlier with Spencer. You crossed your arms over your chest, and walked out of his room to assess the damage. You weren't expecting what you saw. Glass covered the ground, blood splattered over the olive colored walls turning them red. Files covered the floor, your laptop gone, the windows smashed, his front door just splinters of wood.

You choked out a sob, realization hitting you. You kept walking, glass crunching under your shoes. In the hall, crime scene tape blocked off your exit, two officers covered in white sheets. Officers who wouldn't be returning to their families. Officers who would be buried. Because of you. You went to fall to your knees, but were caught by Morgan. He carried your shaking body out of Spencer's disaster apartment and into an awaiting SUV.

There were only two things you knew right now:

1) Spencer was gone

2) You weren't going to stop until he was found.

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