Morning Sex and Mimosas

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Smut Warning: Praise, chocking

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Smut Warning: Praise, chocking

You woke up the next morning entangled in your best friend. Legs over his, his arm draped over your stomach. You were on your back, Spencer on his stomach. He looks insanely peaceful. He wasn't laying on a pillow, instead laying on the mattress, mouth slightly open, his hair falling in his face slightly, a light snore coming from him. You couldn't help but smile at how innocent he looked.

Like nothing bad had ever happened to him. As if all the dangers he's faced, didn't matter; never existed. You ran your hand lightly up his arm, admiring the veins and scars that coated his porcelain skin. A reminder that bad had happened to him. You frowned slightly. He deserved better. So, in that moment, you decided you'd do everything in your power to protect him. Keep him happy. Be there.

You were pulled back to Earth by Spencer inhaling slightly, pulling you closer to him, nuzzling his face in your neck before planting a kiss there. "Good morning Fluff. I trust you slept well?" His morning voice had to be the hottest sound ever.

"I did Dr. Reid. I trust you didn't?" You giggled, mocking his lack of sleep.

"I actually slept well." He answered, his words mumbled by his lips on your neck. Goosebumps creeping up your body as he left light kisses.

"That's two nights in a row you've slept well. Clearly its me." You giggled, pretending to throw hair over your shoulder. Spencer looked up at you, rolling his eyes, "yeah Fluff whatever you say."

Spencer kissed up your neck, along your jaw, before landing a long, gentle kiss on your lips. His lips just as soft as you remember. His body hovering over yours, hands roaming as he kissed you. "Someones needy this morning." You mumbled into the kiss. "I woke up next to you. Can you blame me? You're so fucking sexy it should be illegal." A blush crept up to your cheeks. He always made you feel important. Even before you started this.

His hands continued to move lower and lower until they were at the waistband of your panties. He pulled away, looking into your eyes for permission. You nodded, bringing his lips back to yours. With your consent Spencer pulled down your panties, running his finger between your folds, a slight groan seeping into the kiss.

"Always so fucking ready for me." Spencer sounded... impressed? Surprised? He was hot, cant be out here looking the way he does 24/7 and not be turned on.

His hand moved back up, starting small circles on your clit as you peeled off your shirt. Spencer kissed down your body, licking down the valley between your breast. He took your left nipple in his mouth, running his tongue over the hardened bud. You arched into him, "fuck spence." He let out a low chuckle as he moved to the other nipple, nipping at it slightly. "Always eager to please." He said making eye contact with you. "Just for you sir."

He truly turned you into a moaning mess the minuet his lips hit you. It wasn't the norm for you. No guy in your entire life (all 29 years that is) has ever made you feel the way Spencer did. Inside or outside the bedroom, and that's saying a lot.

"It better be only for me." He spoke between kisses as he descended down your body. "Only- fuck- you." Your voice barely a whisper as he slipped two fingers inside you, curling them to hit your sweet spot. Your hands wrapping themselves in Spencers hair. "Good. You're mine. Do you understand me? Mine." His voice like glass as he picked up his pace. His mouth replacing where his fingers were on your clit, sucking and nipping. "Y-yours Spence." You didn't know where this was coming from but you didn't care. You had completely surrendered every part of yourself to the man between your legs.

The familiar knot starting to come undone in your stomach, spencer didn't let up as you came around his fingers. "That's my good girl. I'm so proud of you." His praise putting you on cloud nine. Spencer withdrew all contact leaving you breathless.

His came back to your face planting a kiss on your lips as he lined himself up at your entrance. He pushed in slowly, letting you adjust before moving. Your moans muffled by his lips. "Fuck princess, you feel so fucking good. I could never get tired of you."

Spencer picked up his thrusts, one hand holding his weight, the other wrapping around your throat, his forehead resting on yours, eyes focused on you. His thrusts were meaningful, slightly passionate. This sex felt, different. Not his typical rough demeaner. Almost like he was putting his entire soul into each cant into you.

"Spencer." His name like sugar in your mouth. His hand squeezing tighter around your neck, his free hand entangling in your hair. "Fuck princess. Cum for me. Please." Was he begging? You could tell he wasn't going to last much longer. You brought your hand down between your sweaty bodies, rubbing quick circles on your clit, the knot returning.

"You're so fucking beautiful princess. So fucking gorgeous." He was whispering sweet nothings to you. Your mind swimming with his words. The coil unraveling farther as he whispered, "cum for me princess. Let go." Which you did, his name spilling out of your mouth, your walls clenching around Spencer, begging him to follow you into the sweet ecstasy of release.

Spencers thrusts grew sloppy before he pulled out, finishing on your stomach. Your name sounding beautiful as he tried to steady his breathing, sitting back on his feet. You looked down at the milky fluid on your stomach, taking you fingers and scooping it up before putting your fingers in your mouth. Spencers eyes growing wide with admiration. "I- you- I think I'm in love." He said jokingly. "Now now spencer, we said no feelings." You waved a finger at him, a smile crossing your lips. Spencer leaned down and kissed you, not saying anything to your previous statement.

"Come on, lets go get breakfast. I know a good place down the street. They have mimosas, your favorite." He pulled up his sweatpants you didn't even fully notice he'd removed. It was cute he remembered mimosas were your favorite.

So much for not catching feelings. 

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