Sweaty Bodies and Racing Hearts

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Tw: bondage, edging, praise, degradation, choking, face fucking

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Tw: bondage, edging, praise, degradation, choking, face fucking

The ride back to Spencers was... quiet but not awkward. Spencers pointer picking the pad of his thumb the entire ride, you playing with your fingers in your lap. The closer you got to Spencer's place, the more excited you got.

Spencer was hot but not in the typical way. He had the most beautiful hazel eyes that felt like they could see right through you. His brown hair always unruly and curly. He was tall and lean, right up your ally. But besides all of that, you were incredibly attracted to his brain. The way he looked at the world, no matter how literal, astounded you. His jaw line so sharp it could cut steel. Everything about him was pretty. You didn't even know that word could be used for a guy until you met him.

"Staring isn't very nice, Fluff." Spencer laughed, bringing you back out of your daydream. You did that a lot, zone out and dream. It was a really bad habit that got you in a lot of trouble. "Ah I'm sorry I spaced out. You know how I am." You didn't advert your eyes from his face. He was almost like a car accident, you physically couldn't look away. "We're here." Spencer threw the car in park, turning to you. "Remember, if at any time you want to stop, no matter what we're doing or how far we get, just use your safe word and its over. No questions asked. Did you think of a safe word?" You tapped your finger on your chin in thought, "mmmm what about Spooky?" Spencer furrowed his brows at you, "Different but I like it."

Spencer stepped out of the car, walking around to open your door for you. You took his hand and looped your arm through his as you always did. He led you up the stairs to his apartment, unlocking his arm from yours to unlock the door. You stepped in first, looking at the place you've been a hundred times.

You put your bag down, walking to inspect Spencers bookshelf. You always stole books from him. You ran your hand across the back of the couch as you walked by, fingers lightly grazing the material. Spencer watched you intently. You could feel his eyes on your backside as you knelt down, resting your butt on your calves, hands clasped at your thighs. You ran a finger across the books, settling on "The Narrative of John Smith," taking it out of its spot and crossing back to your purse, placing the book inside it.

"Still stealing my books, Fluff? You still have 6 of my other ones." He grabbed your hand pulling you to him, his body practically pressing against yours. Your breathing picked up, mind racing as you felt his slight bulge pressing into your thigh. "Some girls s-steal sweaters, but I steal books." You smirked at him, placing your hands on his chest, eyes innocent.

"Mmmm I see. So it seems my sweaters will be safe from your pretty grasps I assume." You pushed off of him, walking down the hall to his bedroom, "never assume Spencie, it makes an ass out of you and me." You glanced flirtatiously over your shoulder at him.

Spencer followed behind you, kicking the door closed once you both were in his room. He crossed the floor to you, his hands running up your sides as he spoke, "Are you absolutely sure you want this? No hard feelings?" You nodded, getting more and more turned on as his hands slowly explored you. "Words Fluff. I like words." Spencers honey eyes staring straight into yours. "I'm sure Spencer."

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