Poses and Wallpapers

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You woke up the next morning still tangled up in Spencer

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You woke up the next morning still tangled up in Spencer. Your back against his chest as his arms held you tightly. You scooted back, trying desperately to get closer to him which caused him to stir, his arms tightening around you.

"Good morning princess." Spencers morning voice gravely but beautiful. He kissed your hair before nuzzling himself into your neck, his stubble tickling you. You giggled at him. "Good morning Spence. How did you sleep?" Spencer never slept, looking permanently tired. "Great for once."

You turned your body so you were facing him, "it's because you slept next to me." You batted your lashes at him, giggling at your statement. "Very possible. You are a great snuggler." Wait. His statement making your heart flutter. He leaned in to kiss you but you stopped him, "please don't I have morning breath and just no." You pushed out of his arms, attempting to get up but Spencer pulled you back down, crashing his lips with yours before you could protest.

He pulled back, a large grin on his face, "I think you taste just fine. But get ready we have a murder to catch."

You crawled out of bed, going over to your bag and pulling out a pleated, plaid skirt, and paired it with a black long flared sleeve, sweater. You knew you wouldn't be arresting anyone today based off of how little information you had on the unsub. You threw on your outfit, feeling Spencers eyes on you the entire time. You turned around to his mouth hanging open, eyes wide. "Take a picture genius, it'll last longer." You giggled

It was clear you snapped him out of his daze, his mouth closing. "You j-just- ah wow- just look so fucking beautiful." A blush crept up your face as he got out of bed and grabbed his phone, "but since you insist, lemme take a picture of you." What the fuck? "I was kidding Spence." But he didn't care. Spencer was your personal Instagram photographer, so he knew his angle. He squatted down and you shot a pose for him as he took a few pictures. You walked over to look at them, "ew no let me put makeup on first." He shook his head, "No you look beautiful."

You pushed past him and got started on your morning routine, putting your hair in lose waves and doing light makeup. You brushed your teeth, yelling to Spencer as you finished, "okay now you can take pictures of me."

You rounded the corner to Spencer dressed in black dress pants, and a white button up, with the sleeves pushed up. He looked so fucking hot and now it was your turn to stare. "Perfect. Go stand by the window. I know you like the light from there." He was always so good at remembering stupid stuff like that.

You posed for him by the window as he snapped a few more, showing you as he finished. "I like this one." You pointed to one with your leg popped out, hand on your back, looking out the window. "But now that I posed for you, come take one with me." You grabbed his hand, dragging him over to the large mirror that was in the room.

You put him behind you, positioning yourself in front, again hip popped out, his hands wrapped around your waist, his face resting on your head. You guys looked like a couple as you snapped a few pictures, loving all of them. Spencer had you send one to him.

"Hey can you make me like a hidden wallpaper. Garcia told me about them. I know we're keeping this a secret but I love these." Your heart fluttering at him wanting you to be his background on his phone. "Fucking simp," you mocked, giggling, "but yes I can."

"Whats a simp?" He asked, nose scrunched. "It's a joke spencer. Here you go! So anytime you want to see it, just hold your finger on the screen. Now hurry up we have to leave." You showed him what you were talking about before putting on a pair of black heeled booties. Spencer brushing his teeth before throwing on his converse. You and him attached your guns to your hips and headed out the door. You walked beside him, setting the picture of the two of you as your wallpaper, replacing the previous one of you two making a funny pose, brandishing your guns. You smiled to yourself. Spencer reached for your hand, his touch sending shockwaves through you.

Please don't let go.

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