Tensons and Teachings

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It had been a week since you had observed, well half observed, Spencer teach and you were over the moon when he asked you to come back and be his special guest to talk about what exactly you guys do at the BAU

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It had been a week since you had observed, well half observed, Spencer teach and you were over the moon when he asked you to come back and be his special guest to talk about what exactly you guys do at the BAU. 

You were feeling extremely nervous as you rummaged through your closet looking for an outfit. "I literally have nothing to wear." You shouted as you ran your hands over your face. "That's not true, you have plenty of clothes, therefor you use of the word 'literally' is inaccurate." Spencer shouted back from your bedroom.

You poked your head out from your closet, glaring at him. "You know what I meant genius." You muttered. He just smiled at you before turning back to the book in his hands. You pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans and a burnt orange turtle neck. "Is this okay?" You walked to where Spencer could see you, holding your hands in front of you. "It's perfect. You always look perfect." He shrugged. You felt your cheeks heat up. "But hurry up and finish because I don't want to be late and if I'm late because of you, there will be no lunch after!" He shot you his beautiful smile, letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah yeah. I'll just call up a tinder boy if you don't take me out." You yelled over your shoulder as you went to put on a pair of black booties. "I don't think these tinder boys can satisfy your specific needs fluff." He made his way out to the living room, leaning against the door, folding his arms. "Oh and you think you can?" You shot back sarcastically. This was unusal for spencer to be so forward, but at the same time, you guys have been friends for over two years. "I'd like to think so." He winked at you, causing your stomach to do flips. You wouldn't mind testing out the skills of Dr. Spencer Reid.

"Well then, it's a good thing I'm ready professor." Spencer glared at you, "don't call me that." You stood up and glared right back, "Or what you'll spank me?" You used the classic Garcia line that still makes everyone giggle. Spencer walked closer to you, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear before speaking, "Is that what you want?"


You were into BDSM but it wasn't something you talked about at work, frankly because you had only dreamed about meeting a guy who was either into it, or trusted enough to talk about it with. Plus you never really had a chance to bring it up at work. Spencer knew a little bit of it but not to the full extent. It came out one drunken night.

"I- uh- I" you fumbled over your words as Spencer stared into your eyes, burning holes. You couldn't think of anything to say, but you were bold so why not just keep it up. You were not one to back down from anything so why is Spencer staring holes into your face, making you feel small? Don't back down. "Maybe it is. Then what?" You're voice barely above a whisper.

Spencer got closer to you, your bodies almost touching, him towering over your small frame. "Then maybe that can be arranged." His lips were so close to yours, alls you had to do was just get on your tiptoes slightly and you'd be kissing. Your eyes left his and went to his lips, then back to his eyes, your breathing heavy, almost panting. Spencer smirked at your actions, the tension thick as he spoke, "we don't want to be late do we?" He moved away and grabbed your keys off of the hook.

You stood there in shock, trying to wrap your head around what the fuck just happened. "Are you coming or are you just going to stand there all day?" His voice bringing you back to the present. "I- n-no. I'm coming."

Hopefully by you if I have it my way.


You sat in the passenger seat of your car, thinking about what Spencer said to you in your apartment. You couldn't help but let your mind shift to what rolling around your sheets with him would be like. Spencer was your best friend. You trusted him.

"Spence?" You turned your body to face him, bringing your foot up to have you sitting in a half criss cross pose, hands in your lap. "Hmm?" He turned his head just slightly to look at you for a second. You looked at your hands in your lap. "What, um, what did you mean back at the apartment. About 'then maybe that can be arranged'?" You hesitantly looked at him through your long lashes. A smirk crossing his lips as he spoke, "exactly what I said fluff." You rolled your eyes, "yes I know. You are the king of literal. But like did you mean by you?" You looked back at your hands, pulling at your sleeves. "Look fluff, I'm not stupid," he started as he pulled into the college parking lot, throwing the car in park as he turned to face you, "I saw you last week and the way you reacted to me saying I'd punish you. So yes, by me, if you wanted."

Woah. Where the fuck was this coming from.

You couldn't do anything but stare at him. You pinched yourself, hard. "What the fuck was that for fluff?" He looked surprised. About as surprised as you were. "I was just making sure I was actually awake and not dreaming. Who are you and what have you done with my shy Spencer Reid who would never say this to a woman?" You couldn't believe this was real fucking life. "You are most definitely awake." He looked you up and down before looking at the clock. "Come on we have to get to class. We can talk as we walk." Spencer picked up his coffee and got out. You followed, running to catch up with him, wrapping your arm with his.

"So wait a minuet, are you trying to tell me you're into," you looked around making sure no one could hear you, "BDSM and that you'd do that with me?" You pointed at yourself as you spoke. Spencer threw his head back and let out a laugh, "yes Fluff." You looked up at him in shock. "If we're being honest, I've thought about tying you to my bed since the day I met you." You stopped dead in your tracks, mouth hung slightly. "Are you fucking with me." You squinted and pointed a finger at him.

He turned to face you before saying, "have I lied to you ever?" He held his arms out, cocking his head slightly. "Plus you bitch all the time about bad sex so I figured this was a good time to help you out." He shrugged. "I- I, okay say I agree, what does that mean." He stopped right before his classroom, leaning down, "We'll talk at lunch. As for right now," he opened the door motioning you to walk inside, "we have a class to teach."


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