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Clarke had just moved into town. After her dads death, her mother couldn't handle being in that old city anymore and so the three of them, Clarke, her mother Abby, and her little sister Madi, had moved far away, to a new town, for a new start.

Clarke had always been the popular type. The stereotypical pretty girl, long wavy blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes. Though everyone was interested in her, she wasn't interested in them. She preferred to keep to herself and sneak into deserted places to draw or play guitar. However she'd promised her mum that she'd make the most of this new start, and try and make friends. To do this, she'd agreed with her mum that she'd live in the school dorms.

As Clarke pulled up to the new school she looked out the window, taking a deep breath in. "It's alright hunny, you'll be okay." Abby spoke softly, placing her hand on her daughters leg. Clarke turned to face her mum and gave her a small nod, "I'll see you on the weekend." She replied with a small smile as she leaned over to hug her mum. "Love you darling," her mum hugged back. A few moments later Clarke waved goodbye to her sister and took her few bags out of the car.

She went to the reception and was given her timetable, map and dorm key. Anxiously the blonde walked through the corridors and to her dorm block. She slid the key in the door when she arrived, twisting it as her hand shook.

As the blonde stepped in the room she was greeted by a loud screech and someone pulling her into a tight hug. "Let the girl breath O!" An amused voice echoed from the other side of the room. Finally the smaller girl let go and looked at Clarke with a wide grin. Holding out her hand to Clarke she spoke, "Octavia Blake, nice to meet you." Clarke offered a small and genuine smile as she shook the girls hand before glancing over to look at the other girl who had walked over. "Sorry, she gets a bit excited, I'm Raven, Raven Reyes." She said also taking Clarke's outstretched hand. Clarke nodded, "I'm Clarke Griffin, so are you my roommates?" She questioned, her voice quiet and nervous. "Not only your roommates, but your new best friends!" Octavia squealed as she jumped around, "I've always wanted another roomie, Raven's always soooo grumpy," she mocked. Clarke stifled a laugh as she placed her bags down. "I'm glad to be here," she replied as they took her on a tour of their dorm.

There was a large kitchen area which opened out onto the living area which contained two small leather sofas, a tv and a book shelf. Then they pointed out their rooms, before leading her to the end of the corridor. "This ones yours, I hope it's okay Griffin, make it yours." Clarke opened the door and took in the minimalistic room. A bed was in the middle of the room with a small bedside table next to it, and a wardrobe opposite. At the far end of the room was another door which led to a small bathroom that consisted of a toilet, sink and shower. Clarke studied the empty walls thinking of all the art she could display as she smiled to herself and placed her bags on the bed. "We'll let you get settled in a bit first. We're going to a party tonight and your coming with us!" Octavia exclaimed with a grin. Clarke shook her head, "I don't do parties." She replied as she began to unpack some of her clothes. "You do now Griffin. It's at Lincoln's house, which means all the popular and cool kids will be there, we can't miss out. Plus, Octavia has a massive crush on Lincoln." Raven smirked as Octavia hit her on the arm. Clarke sighed and thought, "I guess one party might do me some good." Raven and Octavia both squealed, "that's the spirit Griffin! We'll leave you to unpack and get ready, we leave at 6:30." Octavia responded before both of Clarke's new roommates left.

By the time 6:30 rolled around Clarke had unpacked the little she had brought with her, the rest of her things would arrive next week. She changed into some black skinny ripped jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Accompanied by a loosely fitted red and black checked flannel shirt tied around her waist. She finished her look with a light covering of makeup, her black high top Vans and her plain black beanie hat. "Griffin are you ready?" Ravens voice yelled from the hallway. "Coming!" Clarke shouted back as she made her way out to see the others. "Simple but hot!" Raven commented looking at Clarke from head to toe. Clarke shook her head with a laugh, "just comfy."

A moment later Octavia came running out of her room in a short black dress and heels, beautiful makeup spread on her face. "Wow O, you've gone full out. Maybe to impress someone?" Clarke smirked as Raven laughed with a nod, "Lincoln has to get at that tonight." She laughed with a lick of her lips. In return Octavia stuck up her middle finger and grabbed her car keys. Clarke took them out of her hand, "I'll drive, I don't drink." Raven raised her eyebrows in disbelief, "damn griff, you need to loosen up a little. Maybe I won't warn you away from Miss Woods."

Clarke's facial expression turned to confusion. "Whose Miss Woods?" She questioned as the three girls walked towards the car park. "You haven't heard of Lexa Woods? She's practically the queen of the school. Everyone's terrified of her. She's said to have pushed first years over if they get in her way. She's evil, a stone cold bitch. And she's gay, nearly every girl would throw themselves at her. She has no friends, well she hangs out with her cousin Lincoln, that's it. No ones ever seen her smile and no one dares to challenge her. Stay out of her way. And she wears a suit, like everyday, and the school dress code is literally whatever the hell you want. Stay away from her Clarke, she's dangerous." Octavia finished with an uneasy look on her face. Clarke turned to look at Raven who gave her a small nod. As they drove in silence all Clarke could think about was this Lexa chick, she couldn't be that scary right?

After a short drive the three friends arrived at the address for the party. Clarke parked the car and marvelled at the mansion in front of her. "Your dream boy lives here O?" Clarke asked as she stared at the house in awe. Octavia nodded and blushed at the thought of seeing Lincoln. "Oh and Lexa lives here. So watch out." Raven said as the three walked towards the door.


Hi everyone! I've been asked to post this au on wattpad and ao3! It's already on Instagram @ clexakomau

I'm working on posting it on AO3 too, it's completed on Instagram so I'll be uploading the chapters here as quick as possible. I need to edit them all first though! Enjoy x
(There will be smut parts later on)

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