t w e n t y

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⚠️clexa sexa for this whole part - you can skip and won't miss the story line⚠️

"Lex-" Clarke stuttered out, her breathing getting heavier by the second as the brunette began to kiss down her neck. Lexa left a trail of kisses down the blondes neck, nipping at the skin beneath her as she went. Clarke attempted to keep in the moans that her body wanted so desperately to let out as she squirmed beneath her girlfriends hot breath.

"What do you want Clarke?" Lexa whispered huskily as she peeled her lips away from the girls marked neck. Clarke moaned in response, her throat not able to make out the right words to tell Lexa exactly what she needed. "Use your words darling," Lexa mumbled against the blondes lips as she dragged her hands through her hair. "Lexa- I need-" Clarke stumbled on her words as Lexa began to bite down on her earlobe. "What do you need baby girl," Lexa continued to nibble around her neck, earning soft moans from the blonde in return. "I need you to touch me," Clarke begged opening her eyes to see Lexa above her smirking in pleasure.

Lexa sat up straddling Clarke's waist, pulling the blonde up so she was sitting facing her. "Can I?" Lexa asked, her tone more gentle than it had been before as she gestured towards Clarke's shirt. The blonde nodded with no hesitation as she lifted her arms. "Eager are we?" Lexa mocked as she slid Clarke's shirt over her head and discarded it on the floor. "Your beautiful baby," she commented as she carefully pushed Clarke back onto the bed beneath her. The blonde smiled back at the brunette, a fire flaring in her eyes as Lexa unclasped her bra and threw it to the floor to join Clarke's shirt.

Slowly Lexa took one of Clarke's breasts into her mouth, licking circles around her erect nipple, sucking on the hard bud as she went. Using her other hand she massaged the other breast, gently squeezing it. "Lexa-" Clarke moaned as the girl played with her boobs.

Slowly Lexa moved off of the blonde and removed her own jacket and shirt, winking as Clarke's eyes roamed her body. Lexa straddled Clarke once again, this time being gentle as she placed soft kisses on each one of Clarke's cuts. "You are perfect," she reassured the blonde who had become slightly nervous when she remembered the scars on her body. After kissing each scar that lay on her arms Lexa stood up again. "Lie on your stomach for me baby," she whispered into the girls ear sweetly. The blonde obeyed immediately flipping onto her stomach. Lexa softly ran her fingers across the scars on her girlfriends back, being extra careful as she was sure that this was the first time anyone had seen the girls scars. "I love you Clarke, every inch of you, always remember that," the brunette said as she trailed her finger smoothly against the last scar. Clarke whimpered to the soft touch she had never had before.

When the blonde felt Lexa stand up again she flipped over looking at her, lust filled her eyes. "Your wearing too many clothes baby," Clarke cooed to Lexa who smirked, unclasping her own bra allowing her breasts to be free. Clarke quickly jumped off of the bed and took a few steps towards Lexa, roughly pulling her head towards hers so their lips could meet for a steamy kiss. Lexa could feel the wetness pooling in her panties as their bare breasts touched and Clarke took control. The blonde turned them around and pushed Lexa back forcefully onto the bed. Those beautiful green eyes looked up into the clouded blue ones. Lexa looked at her most vulnerable as she looked up at Clarke, desperation evident in her puppy dog eyes. Clarke didn't waste long looking at the girl before she straddled her lap and pushed her down into a deeper kiss.

Pulling away from the kiss she slowly moved her way down to Lexa's suit trousers, peeling them down slowly along with her soaked panties. "Lexa, your so wet," Clarke hummed as she drew soft lined up Lexa's inner thighs making small moan sounds escape from the brunettes mouth. "Clarke-" Lexa begged, hopping her girlfriend would do more than just tease her. Clarke couldn't help herself as Lexa's begs became more urgent. She suddenly slipped a finger into Lexa's wetness, sliding it up and down smoothly, stopping just before the clit and teasing around her hole. With her free hand she reached up to cup the brunettes left boob in her hand, squeezing it roughly. Lexa let out a large moan as Clarke began to play with her breast.

"More- please Clarke," she begged as Clarke began to tease her hole. "I never took you for a bottom Woods," the blonde smirked as she made eye contact with her beautiful girlfriend who was sprawled out underneath her at all her mercy, begging to be touched in the right places. "Just fuck me already Clarke," the brunette panted loudly as she got worked up.

With that Clarke slipped in two fingers, feeling Lexa's tight walls against them. After a minute she began pumping at a fast pace into the girls hole, wetness flowing all around her fingers. Lexa was a moaning mess under her girlfriend but needed more. "Clarke- please," she pleaded in a moan as Clarke accepted and slipped a third finger in, pumping at a quick pace. The blonde kept pumping until she felt that Lexa was near to coming undone. Clarke moved her thumb towards the brunettes clit and began to rub quick circles on it as she continued to pump in at a hard and fast pace. "Oh Clarke! Baby I need to-" she was cut off as her pleasure reached climax and her walls began to tighten around Clarke's three fingers. "Cum for me baby," Clarke whispered as she kept pumping, a wide smirk on her face.

Lexa's walls tightened around her fingers as she came, Clarke kept pumping slowly, helping the girl come down from her high as she panted loudly. Once she had rode out her orgasm Clarke slipped her fingers out, grinning at the wetness around them. Clarke made sure she held Lexa's eye contact as she slipped the wet fingers into her mouth sucking on Lexa's taste. "Fuck, come here right now." Lexa demanded pulling Clarke onto her, placing her lips against hers into a passionate kiss. "Now it's your turn."

Lexa flipped them over so she was on top, admiring the beautiful body that lay beneath her. "Lexa please don't tease me, I've waited long enough," the blonde rasped as Lexa trailed her hands down her hips and towards her centre. "Your wish is my command princess," Lexa smirked before diving her tongue into Clarke's wet folds. Clarke screamed at the sudden movement, feeling Lexa's warm mouth against her wet clit. Lexa kept lapping at the wetness, her tongue moving faster with each moan. Clarke's back arched as she clung to the sheets beneath her, she'd never felt such pleasure. "More-" she stuttered causing Lexa to smile into her, the brunettes nose rubbing slightly over her pulsing bud. Suddenly the brunette slipped a finger into Clarke's hole, continuing to lick her most sensitive area. The blonde was a writhing mess beneath her girlfriend, it was the most hot thing Lexa had ever seen. "Harder," Clarke murmured as her toes curled in pleasure. Lexa was happy to comply, slipping another finger into Clarke's tight hole. "You look so good under me like this," Lexa smirked peeling her tongue away from the blondes centre for a second as she repositioned her fingers to allow her deeper access. Clarke screamed out, grabbing onto the headboard behind her as Lexa continued to fuck her hard and deep. Soon the blonde felt her climax coming and Lexa felt it too. Clarke's walls began to tighten and Lexa's fingers began to move faster, bringing the girls orgasm quicker. "Fuck Lexa!" Clarke yelled as she came over the brunettes skilled fingers. Lexa smirked as she pulled out and moved up towards Clarke's lips, placing a gentle kiss on them. "I love you Griffin," she rasped in a husky voice as she pulled the blonde into her body, holding her close. "I love you too woods," Clarke replied snuggling into her girlfriends warmth.

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