e p i l o u g e

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Six years down the line, Clarke and Lexa were the happiest they'd ever been. After Lexa's boosts of confidence Clarke had decided to follow her dream of becoming and artist and was now extremely successful. She was selling many pieces and held her own art exhibition twice a month. Clarke was extremely happy and Lexa couldn't of been prouder. As for the brunette, she'd also followed her dream.

Lexa had opened up a small coffee shop which also sold vinyls and books. The shop was vintage, plants scattered everywhere. The shop also had a small stage in one corner, which Lexa played live music on once a week, also booking other small local bands. The walls of Lexa's shop were filled with frames vinyls and her wife's paintings that she proudly told everyone about.

"Hey baby!" Lexa turned around behind the shop counter to see Clarke walking through the door. The shop had closed an hour ago and Clarke always came to meet her after work to help her clear up the last bits and bobs. "Hello gorgeous, how was your day?" Lexa asked, walking out from behind the counter to see her wife. Lexa wrapped her arms around Clarke's waist softly brushing their lips together. "It was perfect, I took Aimee to mums and then spent all day working on a new piece," Clarke said with a grin. Lexa's heart fluttered at the mention of their daughters name.

Two years ago Clarke and Lexa had decided they wanted to adopt a child. They adopted a girl who was just two months old, she had been abandoned. Clarke and Lexa were allowed to name her and decided on the name Aimee Forest Griffin Woods. Since the day they'd started thinking about baby names, they'd decided that Aimee was the one. They chose the middle name because the first time they properly spoke was in the middle of a forest and ultimately thats where their love story began.

The two girls loved their daughter with their whole heart. She was now two years old and had started going to preschool this year. Most mornings Clarke would drop her off at her mums so she could go to work, and Abby would take Aimee to school. Once Lexa and Clarke had finished cleaning the shop about 6 in the evening they would go and pick up their daughter.

And three times a week Lexa's business partner, the one and only Octavia, would open up the shop, meaning Lexa could spend the morning with her daughter, taking her to school. Lexa also had the weekends off, only doing admin roles from home, so that she could spend time with her girls.

"Let's go get our baby, fancy having a movie night?" Lexa smiled as she grabbed her keys off of the side. Clarke nodded quickly, "I think it's time we show Aimee and old classic." Lexa grinned as if she was reading Clarke's mind, "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Lexa asked as the two walked hand in hand out of the door, locking up as they went. Clarke shrugged with a smile, "probably."

Before getting in the car Lexa turned to face Clarke. "Frozen," the both said at the same time, bursting out into laughter. The girls got into the car and drove to Abbys place.

"Mumma!" Aimee's soft voice screeched as she ran down the hallway to greet her mums. "Hey pumpkin!" Lexa beamed as she crouched down catching the little girl in her arms, squeezing her tightly. Once she let go Aimee waddled over to Clarke, a cheeky smile on her face, "mummy!" She cheered as Clarke scooped her up into her arms, placing a small kiss on her head as she settled her on her hip. "Hey sweetie how was your day?" The blonde questioned tucking a small piece of hair behind her daughters ear. "Good mummy, I painted just like you!" She smiled proudly.

Clarke grinned back at her daughter whilst Lexa stood to the side watching her two favourite girls with pure love in her eyes. "Can you show us baby?" Clarke asked sweetly, placing Aimee gently on the ground watching her run through the hall to get her painting.

"She wants to be just like you, it's adorable," Lexa smiled at her wife, wrapping her hand round her waist as she placed a kiss on her head. "She wants to be like us, she can't wait until she can hold the ukulele properly," Clarke laughed at the thought. Moments later the child came running back in the hallway followed by Abby who was grinning.

"It's you!" Aimee smiled handing the painting to her mothers. "It's beautiful baby," Lexa's voice caught in her throat as she stared at the painting. It was of Clarke and her smiling on their wedding day. Last week they had gone through their wedding photos with Aimee, who had absolutely loved them. The painting brought a tear to Clarke's eye as she remembered the beautiful day.

"Mumma why are you crying?" Aimee asked softly, her voice a little concerned. Clarke laughed a little and wiped her tear, "I just love it so much, I love you so much. I love you all so much," Clarke sniffled as her daughter wrapped her short arms around her leg. "I love you too mummy." Lexa stared at her family, wondering how she'd gotten so lucky.


That is the end of this story!!! Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed!!

Please check out my second clexa au

I'll post a sneak peak to it on the next slide!!

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