f o u r t y o n e

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Lexa sat nervously as Octavia curled her hair and Anya did her makeup. In less than an hour she'd be meeting Clarke at the alter. Marrying the woman of her dreams. "How are you feeling?" Lincoln asked as he sat in the corner doing up his tie. "Terrified, what if she doesn't say I do?" The brunettes voice asked shakily, her hands were sweating. "Shut up you idiot, if you think Clarke's going to deny marrying you, you must be blind," Anya snapped. Lexa and Octavia let out a little chuckle. "She's right Lex, Clarke would never ruin this," Octavia jolted in. Lexa nodded lightly still not convinced and still extremely nervous.

Meanwhile Clarke sat at her mothers house in front of the mirror as Abby laid her beautiful white wedding dress on the bed behind her. Raven was finishing off her makeup for her. Once her best friend had finished the make up she turned around to look at her mum. "Oh hunny you look so beautiful," Abby whimpered, tears brimming in her eyes. "Mum don't cry, I'm not even in my dress yet, what are you going to do when I'm on the alter with Lex?" Clarke asked her heart fluttering as her mind drifted to what Lexa was going to wear. They'd both decided that they wouldn't show each other their outfits so they were a surprise on the day, and Clarke couldn't stop thinking about it, about how beautiful Lexa would look. Abby sniffled walking over to her daughter, engulfing her in a tight hug, "I don't know hunny, I'm just, I'm so proud of you both." Clarke felt tears threatening at her eyes. She had always imagined a very traditional church wedding, a wedding where her dad would walk her down the alter. But today was going to be way different from what she imagined, but she didn't care because it was with Lexa, and so it would be perfect.

Clarke got into her dress with the help of her mother and best friend then took a second to look in the mirror at herself. For once she smiled at her appearance. For once she realised that she was beautiful, and she was so thankful to Lexa for showing her how to love, how to love herself.


Lexa arrived at the beach in the car with Anya, her hands still sweating and her heart racing at an incredible pace. "It's going to be perfect Lex," her sister reassured her before the two got out of the car.

In silence Lexa and Anya walked into the beach, staring in awe at what had been set up. There was a pathway of red flower petals leading towards the sea, candles lighting up the path from either side. The path led towards a white canopy that was laced with flowers and fairy lights. The sun had begun to set in the background, the sky a beautiful mix of pinks and purples. Either side of the beautifully laid path were white chairs for their guests. The wedding was a small event, just for close friends and family. As Lexa walked down the path, her arm linked with Anya's, she smiled and waved to those who were already seated. Everyone was there, everyone except Clarke and Abby. Lexa stood next to the priest, offering him a hand shake and a smile. She straightened her tie and blazer taking a few deep breaths as she looked down to the floor.

Moments later the classic wedding music began to play. Lexa snapped her head up and turned to face the isle. A look of pure shock and bliss entering her face as she saw the blonde beauty. Clarke wore a long white dress with long sleeved laced arms and sparkles along the rim. Her blonde hair lay in ringlets down the side of her face, settling on her shoulders, her head topped with a simple yet stunning tiara. Lexa was in awe, this was the most beautiful sight of her life. Tears came to her eyes as she watched her soon to be wife walking down the isle, her left arm linked with her mother's.

Abby was crying out of pride as she walked her daughter down the isle to meet the love of her life. As soon as Clarke had laid eyes on Lexa her mouth had fallen wide open. Lexa wore a suit that mirrored the one she wore when they first met. The black suit pants made Lexa's legs look like they stretched on for miles, and her white ruffled shirt and tie stuck to her perfectly shaped body. Her hair lay in waves down by her side, the makeup on her face making the green of her eyes stand out more beautifully than ever.

Before Clarke knew it she was standing in front of Lexa. The brunette took her hands into hers, both of them feeling the shakiness and nerves of the other. Lexa helped Clarke up the step and onto the small raised platform. "You look beautiful," Lexa managed to whisper, keeping her hands intertwined with Clarke's. Clarke smiled at her, as they got lost in each other's eyes, "so do you." The ceremony went as planned and now it was time for their vows. "Lexa you may now say your vows."

Lexa gulped and closed her eyes before she started. "Clarke Griffin. The love and light of my life. We have been through hell together, but we came back. I see these vows not as promises but as privileges, I get to laugh with you and cry with you; care for you and share with you. I get to run with you and walk with you; build with you and live with you. I get to do everything with you for the rest of my life, and that makes me the luckiest woman alive. I promise to love you always, to hold you, to care for you, to never ever let go. Clarke Griffin I love you with every fibre in my body, and I can't wait to call you my wife." Lexa watched as a few tears spilled from Clarke's eyes and rolled down her rosy cheeks, feeling her own tears on her face too. "Beautiful, Clarke?"

"Lexa, without you, I wouldn't be here. That's a fact we all know too well," Clarke sighed thinking back to the incident. "I am the luckiest person on earth to hold your love. I promise to love and cherish you forever, to help you when times get hard and to never let go. I promise to stay alive for you. You are my strength and you are my weakness, you are my wings and you are my anchor. You are my everything, forever and always. Lexa Woods, you are my best friend and the love of my life and it is my honor to vow to never stop loving you."

Both girls had floods of tears steaming down their faces, but they didn't care. In that moment everything was perfect. It was just them. Pure happiness and bliss, not anyone could get in the way of that.

"Lexa Woods do you take Clarke Griffin to be your wife?" The officiate asked happily. "I do," the brunette replied through tears. "Clarke Griffin do you take Lexa Woods to be your wife?" Clarke grinned widely, "I do."

"I now pronounce you married, you may now kiss the bride!"

Everyone laughed as Lexa had already pulled Clarke into her before those last words had been said. She placed her lips on Clarke's. They fit together perfectly like a puzzle. Lexa's hands cupped Clarke's warm cheeks as she pressed their lips together, wiping tears off her face. The kiss was full of warmth, passion, and love. Jolts of desire coursing through each girls body as they deepened the kiss.

The small crowd was cheering and whistling, but the two girls ignored it. Lexa bit at Clarke's bottom lip briefly earning a small moan from the blonde. She took that chance to slip her tongue into her wife's open mouth, making Clarke whimper once again.

If it wasn't for Raven the two wouldn't stop kissing, "you can fuck all you want later, it's time to party!"

Lexa pulled away slightly leaning her forehead against Clarke's. "I love you, wife," the brunette smirked as their noses touched. The blonde let out the cutest giggle before replying, "I love you too, wife."

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now