s e v e n t e e n

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"Where are we going?" Clarke whined as Lexa passed her a blindfold as they were driving along the road. "You'll see darling," she smirked with a chuckle. After a short drive they arrived at the place Lexa had wanted to take Clarke on their first date. The two got out the car, Clarke taking Lexa's hand as she was still blindfolded. "Do you trust me?" The brunette whispered, her hot breath sending a shiver down Clarke's spine as she nodded. Suddenly the blonde was swept off of her feet, she placed her hands tightly around Lexa's neck clinging on as the girl carried her bridal style.

The blonde couldn't stay still, small giggles threatened to slip out of her sweet lips every so often and her arms would occasionally grip around Lexa's neck tighter to make sure that she didn't drop her. When the two arrived at the top of the hill Lexa gently placed Clarke down on the small blanket Lexa had positioned earlier that day. The brunette plonked herself next to her date and whispered in her ear, "Clarke baby, you can take off the blindfold." Before taking the blindfold off she giggled once more, moving her hands to remove the piece of cloth from her sight.

As she removed it and handed it to Lexa a few shocked gasps escaped the blondes lips. She stared in front of her at the beautiful silent view of the bustling metropolis. The brunette watched in admiration as the beautiful girl let a couple of tears roll down her flushed cheeks. She stood up, still not saying a word and rotated slowly taking in her surroundings.

The trees around them had fairy lights strung all around, and on the blanket was heaps of pillows. Next to the blanket laid a gorgeous picnic basket that Lexa had made up earlier today, it contained two champagne flutes, a bottle of champagne, some mini sausage rolls, a pack of cheese twists, a plate of chocolate covered strawberries and a box of mini chocolate doughnuts. A few metres to the left of the blanket was a tire swing that hung from a nearby tree, and Lexa's old acoustic guitar sat next to it on a small stand.

Standing up the brunette walked over to behind her awe struck lover. "Hey baby, do you like it?" She whispered softly in a low voice into her ear whilst wrapping her arms tightly round her waist from the back, placing a soft kiss on her neck. Clarke turned her head to look at Lexa and placed a passionate kiss onto her lips. Kissing back the brunette giggled into her lips, causing her to pull away also laughing. She grabbed Lexa's hands and looked into her eyes, just like the first time they had met, "it's perfect baby, no ones ever done anything this nice for me." She replied.

Keeping their hands connected at all times, Lexa led Clarke back to the picnic blanket. They sat side by side as Lexa pulled the picnic basket in between them and opened it. Clarke gasped looking at the food Lexa had packed, looking up at the brunette grinning, "all my favourites! You are perfect Woods." She stated pulling out the two glasses as Lexa poured the champagne in. "Not so bad yourself Griffin." She playfully hit lexa on the arm then proceeded to take a swig of drink.

The two teens sat in a comfortable silence for about an hour, just nibbling on their food and sneaking small kisses here and there. Lexa stood up and grabbed her guitar then made her way back over to the blonde beauty. She was lying down staring up at the sky. "It's so beautiful, yet so mysterious." She said gesturing to the sheet of stars that lay above them. Lexa nodded in agreement, "Just like you." She mumbled, watching as Clarke's face lit up with happiness and a slight blush.

As she lay looking up at the stars Lexa began to strum a song on the guitar that she'd written for her. 'When I'm here with you
There's nothing I'd rather do
Than lay hand in hand
And leave footprints in the sand

We could run and take things fast
But if we take it slow it will last
Stay with me under these stars
Let's make this world ours

I promise I'll hold you, keep you safe
I'll follow you until and past our grave
You make me stay on the ground
This is something special we found'

As the song came to an end Lexa placed her guitar down next to her and pulled her teary eyed friend into her side, holding her cheeks. "Clarke Griffin, will you be my girlfriend?" Lexa asked nervously looking away. Clarke turned the brunettes head back to look at her. "It would be my pleasure, Lexa Woods."

Later that night Lexa drove Clarke back to her dorm, after the girl realising she had many missed calls and texts from her roommates who thought she'd died. "They're soooo dramatic, cant I just call them and stay with you?" The blonde groaned as they walked towards her dorm from the car park. Lexa shook her head, "they'll kill me, if they don't want to already," she added with a laugh. Clarke shot her a reluctant glare as they walked up to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow Clarke," Lexa said softly, leaning down slightly to attach her lips to the blondes.

"Holy shit I wasn't expecting that!" A voice exclaimed, making Clarke and Lexa jump back from each other. Lexa looked at the open dorm door blushing, she looked down avoiding eye contact with Clarke's roommate and stared at the floor whilst straightening her jacket. "Fuck off Raven." Clarke snarled, her voice slightly angry that they'd been disrupted. Lexa had to giggle at Clarke's tone, earning her another stare from her girlfriend.

"Well don't just stand there, come in!" Raven cheered happily, this wasn't the reaction either of the girls had expected. Clarke grinned at Raven, grabbed Lexa's hand and pulled them into the dorm. "Tell me you guys are actually together right?" Octavia popped up from the sofa. Lexa looked at Clarke nervously, Clarke smiled and nodded, "yes, Lexa is my girlfriend and I hope you guys can get to know the real her." Lexa smiled at this sentence, pulling Clarke closer to her by the waist.

"I never thought I'd see Lexa Woods smiling, she must be in loveeee!" Octavia teased causing Lexa's face to redden deeply. "Okay okay stop being mean to her, wanna play some drinking games and get to know each other?" Clarke suggested as she leant her head on Lexa's shoulder. The girls all agreed, Raven and Octavia running off to find the alcohol.

Lexa sat down next to Clarke, the blonde instantly knew she was nervous. She carefully slid herself onto Lexa's lap so she was straddling her. Lexa's eyebrow quirked at the movement and a smirk appeared on her face. "Don't worry baby, it'll be fun, I promise," Clarke whispered into the brunettes ear, the soft air from her voice brushing against her girlfriends neck. The feeling of Clarke's breath on her neck sent a shiver down her spine. Lexa moved her hands to cup Clarke's cheeks gently, their noses touching as their heads got closer.

Lexa's eyes drifted down to Clarke's lips. And suddenly they were on hers, this kiss was passionate. Like all the feelings they had deep down were spurring out like a volcano. "Ahem," Raven coughed behind them with a laugh. The two girls pulled away, completely flustered. "Yall are thirsty, can't go five minutes without eating each others faces off," she commented as her and Octavia sat on the couch opposite. Clarke replied with the middle finger before slowly slipping off of Lexa's lap.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now