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two weeks later

Lexa had shut her out, completely. In fact, she'd shut everyone out. Since getting home from dropping Clarke off at her mothers new house, Lexa had locked herself in her room.

 Clarke's routine was the same, she got up from her sleepless night, went to school, went to Lexa's, sat helplessly outside the girls bedroom door hoping for a sign she was even alive. Then she would go home and lock herself in her own door.

Lincoln was worried shitless about his cousin. Lexa hadn't left her room for two weeks. He took food to leave outside her bedroom door everyday, but she rarely took it in. She hadn't spoken to the boy since she came back that day after going out with Clarke. She hadn't been to school, she hadn't made any sound except for the whimpers of a few cries. Clarke had come round to the house to check on her, she sat outside Lexa's door everyday after school and tried to talk to her. But she never got a response. She kept calling and texting her but the brunette hadn't answered or even opened the messages.

Clarke hadn't slept a wink in the past two weeks. All she could think of was Lexa. How she suddenly had changed her mood and blocked everyone out, including her. The time she'd spent at her own dorm consisted of her crying herself away. Octavia and Raven had expressed their concern for their friend, but Clarke ignored it, she didn't care about herself, just the brunette that was constantly on her mind.

Lexa's heart cracked when she heard Clarke's desperately broken voice from outside her door. All she wanted to do was run to her, hug her and never let go. She wanted everything to be okay, she wanted to be happy. But Lexa knew that everyone she cared about got hurt. If she could she would've pushed Lincoln away too. But the boy was too stubborn to move.

But that night Lexa couldn't hold out any longer. When she heard Clarke and Lincoln speaking outside her door, her heart ached. "Clarke, I know you care about her, but look at yourself. I'm sorry, but you look like shit. You need to go and sleep, you need to eat, you need to live your life, you know nothing to her like she owes nothing to you. Please, make it easier for her and leave." Lincoln spoke harshly. Lexa listened to Clarke's sniffling, the girl was clearly crying.

Slowly the brunette cracked open the door, earning the two heads to snap round and look at her. Not knowing it was even possible, her heart broke into even more parts as her eyes met with the puffy blue ones that were filled to the brim with pain.

"Lexa-" Clarke's voice croaked as she took a step towards the brunette. Lexa swallowed the lump in her throat and looked down. "Lexa please talk to me." She slowly continued moving closer.

"Clarke-" Lexa was stopped mid sentence as Clarke's face was now only inches away from hers. Clarke had walked close to Lexa, far closer than she anticipated. Their faces were now only inches apart, and Clarke felt the brunettes hot breathe on her neck as she spoke her name. Clarke quickly glanced down at the brunettes lips, then back up slowly meeting the green eyes she's been missing.

"Fuck it." Clarke whispered huskily. The blonde leaned in, placing her lips on the brunettes in front of her. She slowly moved her hands up Lexa's arms and cupped her hot cheeks as she continued the kiss. At first Lexa was stiff and confused, but eventually she melted into the kiss, into Clarke's warm embrace. She couldn't stop pretending. How was she supposed to stay away from this now?

After a few seconds Clarke pulled back, resting her head against Lexa's, her hands still cupping her soft face. "It'll be okay, I'm here now." The blonde whispered. In return Lexa gave a small nod.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now