t w e n t y e i g h t

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"Hey baby wake up," Lexa whispered softly to her lover as she sat back down on the bed, a tray of breakfast in her hands. Clarke hummed and slowly opened her eyes. When the blonde saw Lexa a grin instantly covered her face, "I made you breakfast," the brunette smiled down at her beaming girlfriend. Clarke sat up slowly against the headboard before turning to look at Lexa again. "Your so perfect," she beamed as she took in Lexa's beauty.

The brunette chuckled and passed the tray over to Clarke, placing a small kiss on her head as she did. "What are we doing today?" Clarke mumbled as she ate the delicious breakfast in front of her. Lexa laughed at the girl as she scoffed bacon down her throat. "I was thinking we could go swimming," Lexa smiled excitedly, "oh and tonight Lincoln's inviting Octavia over, I thought we could tell Raven and that boy she's been seeing to come over and we can all spend time together," she added with a smile. Clarke's eyes widened in excitement, she had always wanted to swim in Lexa's pool, and she hadn't spent enough time with her friends than she would've liked. The blonde nodded vigorously as she finished her last piece of food making Lexa laugh.

After they'd cleaned up the things from breakfast and dropped Raven a text about tonight, the two girls made their way to Lexa's room. "I don't have any swimming stuff," Clarke realised turning to Lexa. The brunette raised her eyebrows, "I think you'd look better in nothing," she smirked watching as Clarke's mouth fell open. The blonde lightly slapped her on the arm and shook her head, "nope, not happening Woods, not in the pool anyway," it was the blondes turn to wink. Lexa's smirk widened, "true, I wouldn't be able to admire all of you in the pool, but when your sprawled out on my bed," Lexa bit her lip momentarily taking a step towards Clarke who's breath was speeding up rapidly as the brunette approached her. Clarke kept stepping back until she hit the wall, Lexa moving closer and closer to her as she stared into her lustful eyes. Lexa pressed her body against Clarke's, placing her hands either side of Clarke's head as she rested her own against Clarke's. Lexa could hear Clarke's breathing that was quickening by the second as she leaned in and began to kiss her passionately. Clarke let out a moan into the kiss, her whole body on fire as Lexa slipped a tongue into her parted mouth. Lexa had all the control as they moved their mouths in sync with one another.

Then suddenly Lexa pulled back earning a small groan from Clarke at the loss of contact. "Lexa-" she mumbled as the brunette took a few steps backwards. "Later baby, later," the brunette said as she watched Clarke's face turn into a small pout. "Why not now?" She questioned in a begging tone. Lexa laughed, "because when I start with you, I won't stop." Clarke's face darkened to a deep shade of red, "what if I don't want you to stop?" Her pout turned into a grin as she moved her hands slowly up Lexa's arms. "Baby, later, lets go swimming okay?" Clarke nodded sadly in defeat as Lexa passed her a bikini and they both got changed.

Lexa noticed Clarke's frown as they changed and felt bad for turning the girl away, but she did it because she knew Octavia was already here, and she wanted to save Clarke any sort of embarrassment and mocking from her friends. "You know I love you baby?" Lexa smiled as she wrapped her hands around Clarke's waist from behind. Clarke hummed in return, her body stiffened against Lexa's. "Octavia's already here," she whispered into the girls ear as she placed soft kisses down her neck. Clarke nodded in realisation, "let's go see the others then," she said pulling out of Lexa's arms. "Oh and Lex," she turned around to see the brunette looking at her, "I love you too."

Hand in hand the girls walked downstairs and out to the pool where Lincoln and Octavia where already waiting. Clarke laughed as she saw her friend straddling Lincoln who was lying on a sun bed, the two of them making out. Lexa was uncomfortable seeing her cousin like that though and coughed loudly to let them know they were there. "Clarke! Lexa!" Octavia smiled as she jumped off Lincoln and ran towards Clarke, engulfing her in a huge hug. "I'm glad everything worked out," she whispered into her e friends ear as they hugged, Clarke returned a small, "thank you," before the two pulled away. Octavia then turned to Lexa and pulled her into a hug. Lexa was stiff at first, only Clarke hugged her and occasionally Lincoln and so it was a weird sensation. But Lexa relaxed into the hug as Octavia whispered to her, "thank you, for saving her." Lexa smiled into the smaller brunettes shoulder as she hugged her back, "she's the one that saved me."

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now